Religious-Ethnic groups


Apr 17, 2005
If one of these were found to have consummately bad values, such that re-education would not change its members' opinions, would genocide be an option?
infoterror said:
If one of these were found to have consummately bad values, such that re-education would not change its members' opinions, would genocide be an option?

Well, it depends on what you constitute as "bad", but I would have to say yes....500 years ago. Nowadays, I would just mind my own, preoccupy myself with my own existence and that is all, since imho, everything is cyclical and we're probably about 3/4 the way towards the end of the curve anyways.
Yes. If such a group had bad values such as enslaving everyone else, conquering the world etc. then it may be justifiable to do something to exterminate such a threat.

Fortunately such a group hasn't and won't ever exist :)
infoterror said:
If one of these were found to have consummately bad values, such that re-education would not change its members' opinions, would genocide be an option?
would it be an option? it is always an option to those capable of committing it, however i strongly oppose such senseless action.

are you suggesting that if you can't make people believe what you want them to, that you would like to kill them instead? are you so afraid of their views and the potential to spread them? if you were truly confident in your own message, you would allow them whatever preaching they choose, knowing full well they could not sway you. and "re-education..." what makes you think you have the authority, right, and ability to know what people should know, and attempt to remove their learning to replace it with that which you believe they should have instead? you think as if you were a god.
I suppose it's technically always an *option* but I doubt it will be employed any time soon (if ever.) The objection on moral grounds would at best be difficult to overcome. For this to be considered a viable or reasonable option, our society's definition of what is and isn't morally acceptable would have to shift substantially, because theoretically you'd have to exterminate not only the adults actively espousing the harmful and/or controversial views, but also their children. Innocent or not in their youth, they would very probably grow up to to support the values they were raised with. I don't see society condoning mass murder of children any time soon.
Doomcifer said:
Well, it depends on what you constitute as "bad", but I would have to say yes....500 years ago. Nowadays, I would just mind my own, preoccupy myself with my own existence and that is all, since imho, everything is cyclical and we're probably about 3/4 the way towards the end of the curve anyways.

I'm not sure life ever functions on Autopilot. The cycle ends because we make it end. No separation between men and gods, remember?
It all depends. Actually we can see that every day on CNN, right? Your goverment (actually people that are behind the goverment controlling it) by using media can made you to belive that other society with different values is bad, agressive and wants to impose that values on you. So then it is quite justified to invade them and take control of all those sweet oil reserves :)

"Good" or "bad" are relative, and it all depends on values one society has in one historical period. In last few hundred years, western society got control over other parts of the world, economically and by military force, so the one that has the gun dictates the rules. It would be stupid to think that way that we are living our lives is the only right way to live life.
I think to even consider such an option you'd have to be pretty certain that this "group" was doing such evil that there was a threat to every other person on the planet. And even then you would have to show that the entire group (adults, children, women, men etc) was bad in the same way.
Even then it'd be fairly hard to convince the public it was an option.
And SS is right, how would we be certain we were not bad ourselves?
Is "bad" an absolute?

If such a group were bad for my nation, for example, why should I worry about whether they're "bad" in an absolute sense?

Rattlesnakes are not bad in an absolute sense; still, you don't want them in your living room.