Remaster of Fruit Psychobells.

Static said:
After MoTW has gained recognition and hopefully in a smug little place money wise,

Read: Never, ever, ever in a bajillion million years. Barring a big lotto win.

As to the "remaster" versus "rerecording" thing:
The album did not have a great mastering job (it was basically mastered by the same people who duped the CDs - so basically it got run through one EQ/compressor, a Finalizer) but having it professionally remastered wouldn't do all that much to improve the sound quality. Mastering engineers can't replace crappy sounding splash cymbals.

So, a remix then? Well....the album was already completely remixed at Zing, where we did Bath/LYBM, and a few guitar parts (the main riff in the beginning of "Ferocious Weights" for example) were rerecorded (well, just actually doubled I think) there. MFP is the end result of that. Believe me, what came out of Zing from those tapes sound *alot* better than what the mixes out of the college studio. Now admittedly, the Zing remixing stuff was maybe rushed a little bit.

(fun fact: MFP was remixed by Adam Dutkiewicz former drummer and current guitarist of the Roadrunner band Killswitch Engage)

So, in my opinion, which is somewhat misinformed on account of I was just joining the band when alot of this happened, is that those recordings sound pretty much as good as they are going to get using the original tracks. You could probably master it again to make it a little more pleasant, but as they say: "Garbage in, garbage out"
:( doesn't hurt to dream though. :)

I don't quite get what you mean by a remaster not being able to improve crappy sounds. I mean, I've got the remaster of Killing Is My Business...And Business Is Good, by Megadeth. On the original version the drums are very crappy and weak, almost unbearably shit sounding. The guitars are thin, and Mustaine's voice is almost inaudible. Anyways, on the remaster the guitars are much stronger, the drums rich and full, and the vocals crystal clear. If they can do that with an album that once sounded like utter shit why couldn't they do it with MFP?? Just a thought.

Also, some recognition could be good for you. It would be deserved...;)
there's a huge difference between reMIXING and reMASTERING. That megadeth album was completely remixed. Remastering only affects the overall sound levels and EQ.
Thorns of Sorrow said:
The solo at the end of the last track is one of the greatest guitar solos ever written. I love the production on My Fruit...More so than Bath/LYBM. The sound seems to surround you more, I dunno its hard to explain, its definately alot more organic and spacey.

chalk up another stroke to my ego. pretty soon I'll be at the point where i can ask nay demand a brandy glass full of only brown M&M's when my coworkers buy them!
so here's my two cents on this remastering/remixing/re-recording stuff.

I would say at this point that while i am not fond of the production on MFP I would give re-recording it a shot. However, that is because I played on those tracks and being a perfectionist I know we could get them better in a heartbeat!

But as a fan I have to say that bands re-recording their old material never usually sits right with me. Case in point, Iron Maiden as a b-side to one of the singles on Seventh Son of a Seventh Son re-recorded "Charlotte the Harlot" and one other song from the first album "Sanctuary" I think. Any-hoo, before I heard them I got psyched because a. Bruce Dickinson is a much better singer than Paul DiAnno and b. Seventh Son had the best production of any Iron Maiden album EVER in my opinion.

After I heard them I was sorry to say a bit disappointed. They just didn't have the same energy that Maiden put into the originals. Also it was Nicko playing drums and he is very different from Clive. And while I still maintain that Bruce is an infinitely better singer, the material on the Dianno albums really suited his voice more than Bruce's and you can tell that because when Bruce sings his songs they just aren't the same.

I think the reason for this is that alot more goes into recordings than just the music. Its the vibe of the place you record at and where you are as a player and person and a band when you do it. I have tremendously awesome memories of recording those tracks. I'd like to think that because we are not that far removed from MFP that we still could record them much better but who knows if it will sound "right" afterwards because we aren't as concerned with those songs like we used to. We aren't relying on them anymore to make a statement for us so immediately we are going in with a different mindset. Also Maria isn't in the band anymore so there will be a different voice singing her parts and Byron isn't singing for us after the new album so again a new voice will doing his parts. But I know that I would still try no matter what if given the chance.

Also on the discussion of Killing is my Business, I haven't really listened to the remaster yet but I always loved the raw disgustingness of that original recording. I would be psyched if they made it sound better but as it stands that is my second favorite Megadeth album behind "Rust In Peace" and part of it is the strange charm of that shitty production.
A re-recording would only be a good idea if all the MoTW guys really wanted to do it, and thats obviously not the case.

Yeah Static, I don't know why you said this, but I think we all would like to re record MFP, and I'm sure Byron would do the vocals on the new version as well.
Static said:
Oh, its just it was advertised as a reMASTER, so thats what I was lead to believe.

I've always wondered about that....whether CDs advertised as reMASTERs are actually reMIXES. I imagine that a) they are, and b) This is done to avoid consumer confusion as "remastered" implies "superior sound quality" while "remixed" is usually followed by the words "by P. Diddy".

In any case, the point is that a reMASTERing job is usually (but certainly not always!) a fairly small improvement. Especially since nowadays 95% of the albums you hear are mastered by one of about 20 extremely talented and well-trained guys who make *alot* of money.
Baliset said:
so here's my two cents on this remastering/remixing/re-recording stuff.

I think the reason for this is that alot more goes into recordings than just the music. Its the vibe of the place you record at and where you are as a player and person and a band when you do it. I have tremendously awesome memories of recording those tracks. I'd like to think that because we are not that far removed from MFP that we still could record them much better but who knows if it will sound "right" afterwards because we aren't as concerned with those songs like we used to. We aren't relying on them anymore to make a statement for us so immediately we are going in with a different mindset. Also Maria isn't in the band anymore so there will be a different voice singing her parts and Byron isn't singing for us after the new album so again a new voice will doing his parts. But I know that I would still try no matter what if given the chance.

Also on the discussion of Killing is my Business, I haven't really listened to the remaster yet but I always loved the raw disgustingness of that original recording. I would be psyched if they made it sound better but as it stands that is my second favorite Megadeth album behind "Rust In Peace" and part of it is the strange charm of that shitty production.

Yeah, I totally get where you are coming from here. I suppose that where you are as a musician is a very important thing for something like this. Like I said, all you guys would have to be fully into the idea of it...and if you did do it I think all your fans would go insane with glee, I know I would. I do feel that if MFP had the sort of production that Bath and LYBM have, it would be my FAVOURITE album of all time, without a doubt. IMO MFP has the best MoTW material on it! I mean, A Conception Pathetic and Catharsis of Sea Sleep alone are the two best songs I think you guys have ever written. Re-recording MFP would be, for you guys, going back to your past and making it 'right' so to speak.

I like the remaster of Killing Is My Business better, although the original also has a kind of 'ugliness' which like you say that makes it pretty cool. Of course, NOTHING can beat Rust In Peace, hehe, which just so happens to be my favourite album of all time. Lots of people complain about the production on that one, bullshit I say! Sounds great to me! :rock:

(ps. I completely missed your post last time I was here for some reason, that's odd :err: )
I actually love the production on MFP. I think it fits the mood of the album perfectly (whatever mood that is...I'm not quite sure what to call it). I still remember when I first heard the opening riff on "Ferocious Weights" way back in the late Cretaceous period or whenever it was. It has this aura of mystery around it because of the less-than-perfect production, so it's like theres always something more that you don't quite hear. As a listener, you are constantly reaching, searching for something that's almost there.