Remember that post I did last week about our recpetionist and her "coffee"?

that's really weird that she keeps saying it. is she generally one of those people who is nervous and tends to just feel like she has to talk around people?
it might drive me mad.
preppy: yes and yes. she is the type of person who has to amke sure to say hello to everyone every morning, find out how they are doing, and has to also make sure she says bye to everyone at night.

also if you mention you are doing something during a weekend when you get back on monday she wants to know how it went and will bring it up again during conversations that could be weeks or months later.

Basically, she's the kind of person that needs to know whats going on in everyone's life in the office.
although it is really annoying to grumbly people such as ourselves, my mom is sort of like that! and i know it's because she used to have a severe social phobia (among other issues) and this was her way of dealing with it. she just CANNOT get herself to really talk too much about herself, so she asks about other people A LOT and sometimes says things our of nervous habit. when i used to work with her, EVERY time before she went to lunch she'd say 'if frank comes in, tell him i am at lunch!'.
i think a lot of people are so talkative because they are afraid of silence and they are socially uncomfortable.
man, i hate polite, friendly chatter. like from waiters and stuff... like, i dont care about the specials, and i dont care if you ask me how i am (you DONT want to know). i am all about the comfortable, grumbly quiet. id rather people not force me to talk.
as much as i dislike small talk, i sort of understand that other people can't handle silence like i can, and that they need it, probably as badly as i need to sit by myself and paint/read all the time. so i just let them have it for a bit.
i had a funny thing happen to me last semester -- this ditzy friendly normal chick at school decided that she liked me (we had had a class together before) and she would talk to me nonstop about this guy she had a crush on and a date with and stuff... and it was totally silly. she was totally dumb about this guy, but there was to be know bursting her bubble over the ape-man. i was amused/bemused, and took it like a visit to a foreign culture. im sure people chat like this every day. i used my best big fake smiles and chatted back, and shared little stories about my stupid guys, but with all the weird, offputting bits, like being metal or otherwise icky, omitted. exhausting.
Originally posted by the_preppy
although it is really annoying to grumbly people such as ourselves, my mom is sort of like that! and i know it's because she used to have a severe social phobia (among other issues) and this was her way of dealing with it. she just CANNOT get herself to really talk too much about herself, so she asks about other people A LOT and sometimes says things our of nervous habit. when i used to work with her, EVERY time before she went to lunch she'd say 'if frank comes in, tell him i am at lunch!'.
i think a lot of people are so talkative because they are afraid of silence and they are socially uncomfortable.

i definitely agree with you. i mean despite her faults and her penchant for drama, she really is a genuinely nice person.

i sometimes will think she acts nice to everybody to ensure her job because it makes you feel bad to tell her when she does something wrong because she's so nice. However, she still makes alot of mistakes now even a year after she has been working here.

So its like if you correct her it makes you feel like you'll give her a nervous breakdown for messing up.

But i do understand her situation a bit and can sympathize with it. but it still irks me!
if she talks about herself a lot that can be very off putting. i mean, also... you can't suffer quietly forever through other people's dysfunctional psychosocial problems just for the sake of sympathy.