Remember Tomorrow Video

seeing that I'm strangely obsessed with zombies, I'm a sucker for them, so I'll buy into anything zombie. good job:)
I got Distracted by the Death video on your page. The video doesn't really fit the music all that well but it's pretty alright.
Death did a video for the Philosopher where they watch a little boy run around, swim, and open his mouth whilst Chuck sings about people not understanding his sexuality; slightly odd and it made me feel uncomfortable. :(
Death made more than 1 video.

I have "The philosopher" AND "Lack of comprehension". Don`t know if they did more?

Your site was indistinct. The background hid the text. I had a hard time to see anything.
not bad....though it was a lil boring.....for teh heavier/faster parts...she shoulda been in a tunnel or something...runnnin or something....woulda compliment the song much more.....!!!!......PEAC EOUT