Remember your first gig?


Kickbox kickboxing banana
Jun 16, 2005
I'm starting this thread to talk about your first gig (live performance what ever it was), what you played and the place, and for those that have enough balls to admit if you stuffed up or not haha.
my first gig was in a band called atrocityism. man we sucked somthing horrid. we tried mixing DM and power/prog and boy we failed. our singer sounded like a puppy getting ass raped. anyways, we played in roseville, CA. the organization of the show sucked to begin with. the promoter was a bitch and changed venues and days without telling the bands. it was a 6 band line up. i told her not to put us with DM bands, but she did anyways. we get there expecting to open. nope, we play 5th. my favorite band psypheria opened for us. you cant follow a band like them. needless to say we werent very impressive.

now my first show with my current band, sacrilicious, went really well. we played a short 3 song set. but we rocked it. we ended up playing there every weekend, sometimes 2 sets a night, till they closed down a little over a month later. great metal vibe there. we always had friends and fans come out to get drunk and mosh. we even had girls come on stage and "danced" (rubbed up against us) with us. good times
My first gig was about 7 years ago as a viscious black metal band a la Mayhem. our singer got kicked off the stage for injuring a fan, and we had to finish the set instrumentally. Good times.

Nowadays, I play in a hardcore metal/punk band that actually has a following...and we don't hurt the crowd members!
First and only gig was in support of The Butterfly Effect, who are a crappy rock band from these parts, on their national tour. Was good fun.
First gig was this weird thing where we played a musical version of Poe's "The Raven". I was playing guitar, and it was at some strange concert hall building. Needless to say, the music was boring, the reader was monotone, and we sucked for a good straight 8 minutes. I didn't really want to do it, but my friends needed someone to play guitar, and I was probably 12 at the time.
Marksveld said:
First gig was this weird thing where we played a musical version of Poe's "The Raven". I was playing guitar, and it was at some strange concert hall building. Needless to say, the music was boring, the reader was monotone, and we sucked for a good straight 8 minutes. I didn't really want to do it, but my friends needed someone to play guitar, and I was probably 12 at the time.
Listen kthxbuy
haha yeah last talent show we destroyed the school by air guitaring to Angel of Death because the teacher said if theres no more shows then we had to go back to class, man people were confused and pissed. Now we can actually play and not just air, so see what happens then... All of you's that have replied, did you play your own songs or covers
I never played in a metal band.:( But when I was in high school, I played in a rock band with my brother and some friends. I played bass, and I didn't really like the music we played, since it wasn't up my alley. Playing gigs was still pretty cool, though.
My first was probably in '93 or '94, can't remember precisely. We were a cover band, exclusively at the time, although we wrote some original material later on, although we never releases anything (it wasn't very good). We played two Metallica tunes, two Maiden tunes and a Slayer tune, I believe. We ended up playing about ten more gigs over the course of five years. I handled the rythm guitars and backing vocals. We kicked ass.
My first gig was actually a few months ago in a Post-Hardcore/Rock band some of my friends asked me to join to add my "metal" vocals as they call it. Not really my type of music but it was fun to play in front of people and be up on stage.

My real musical focus hasn't played any shows yet but we're in the process of negotiating some stuff now as we finally have built up a full-band with longer-term members.