Remembering Darrel!!!


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Well, Apparently it's true and all i have to say is this; and this is for our website and not to be forwarded to blabbermouth or other sites.
Darrel was good people. HE presented me my platinum record in Dallas in 2001. HE came to my birthday party the next day and we had a great time.
He treated his fans and friends the same, with respect. He loved to play guitar and was taken from his friends doing what he loved to do, jam for his fans and more importantly with his brother.
I think everyone that reads this should take the time to remember he has family and loved ones as well that may read what you post on here or other sites. Be respectful, pay your respects and always remember- Dimebag loved everyone.
Dimebag was my idol and this news hurts because I've always looked up to the man with the utmost respect but I was wondering... are you going to make "The Ballad of Dimebag Darrell?"
Dude, I seriously want to cry this is fucking bullshit...Thanks Darrell for everything!!!!! Pantera was my first concert and I seen them many more times after and I have seen Damageplan also. Dime and Pantera are what got me into metal in the first place..Billy is right to I had the pleasure of meeting him briefly and he was a total stand up guy...He signed all my shit and talked for a minute or so even though his bus was just about to leave. Jesus christ this fucking sucks....:yell: :yell: :cry: :cry: :erk: :erk: I will be having many Blacktooths for you tonight Dime with all your records on repeat....Oh yeah Nataservant this is not even fucking funny and your comments about Billy doing a ballad of Dime is pure shit!!! You fucking asshole!!!! I don't even care if you were joking that is fucking disrespectful as fuck
At the Channel in Boston, Pantera touring w/ Cowboys From Hell album opened up for Suicidal Tendencies & Exodus. It's still far and away one of the best shows I've EVER seen.....And I've seen quite a few.
I made sure to see Pantera every time they came through N.E.

The energy and aggressivness was like nothing I've EVER seen!! They were far ahead of there time, and now there's a lot of wannabee scrub bands trying to do what they perfected....It's a real shame and a monster loss to both metal and the world as a whole....I can't thank you enough for making some of the best music and memories for me to have for years to come!!

God rest your soul Darrell!!
This is fucking awful news. And I still can't believe that Dimebag is actually gone. I will certainly shed some tears through the day.

But he lives on with us as we listen to his work.

Farewell my Metal Brother.
I guess if there is one good thing(there really isn't but) about this absolute tragedy is that the cop who responded to the call, shot and killed the piece of shit who did this...Saving us the time and effort of putting him through the judicial system and also probably sparing more lives in the process. That cop is a hero and deserves whatever recognition he can get from this..That is some heroic shit coming into a place with no backup and having a deranged asshole just shooting the place up. I tip my hat to him

God Bless you, Dime!!!
You were definitely one of my hero's and I will miss you more than anything...I am also sorry for you Billy I am sure you knew him more than anyone of us here and knew how great of a guy he was....You are one lucky guy to have been in Dime's presence and know him on a personal level..Sorry buddy
When I first heard the news eariler today, I couldn't believe it. And even now it still hasn't sunk in. I honestly cannot believe that Dime is gone. Everything Billy said is true. When I met Dime at a Pantera show he was one of the nicest guys I ever met, going out of his way to meet and talk with the fans. As a guitar player, Dime was undoubtibly one of the best the metal world has ever seen. I'd call the person who shot Dime a piece of no good shit, but that would be an insult to no good pieces of shit!

R.I.P. Dime!
What a sad day. I'm absolutely devestated as I'm sure you all are to. Dime was and STILL IS by far one the biggest influences on why I started playing guitar and music in general. To me, he was the true King of Metal, the innovator who kept guitar ALIVE, a man who put 110% not only into his music, but LIFE ITSELF. My sincere condolences go out to his family, friends, and loved ones. Its important that we all remember Dime's spirt and gift that touched upon us and carry on his Legacy. R.I.P Darrell, YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN, A LEGEND NEVER DIES!!! NEVER
I am so hurt. RIP Dime.You will be missed. I cried this morning when I heard of this.I give my condolences to the whole Abbot family. :yell: :confused:
I'm a fairly young person, but Dime was a hero to even me. His playing was a lot of what inspired me to start playing metal. I was lucky enough to see Pantera live just before they broke up. It was the greatest show ever. And I have to say I too still can't believe he's gone. I can still picture him on that stage, or in his videos, and now he isn't doing that anymore. My thoughts to his family and friends.

RIP, Dime. You are a true metal hero.
The best guitarist in the world has gone by hand of a total loser. This shouldn´t be happening.
Rest in peace and good luck to Vinnie. He saw his brother die onstage he must be totally devastated.