Remixed my first album for Bandcamp! Check it out, yo.

Oct 8, 2008
I recorded this album in '08, but really didn't know what I was doing compared to what I know now. So, when I came across the old project files, I figured I'd give a remix a shot. I'm very pleased with the final results. I thought I'd share it with you guys!

I also REALLY enjoy Bandcamp, this will definitely be the avenue I use for my next few albums.

If you have any feedback at all, I'd love to hear it, though that's not the main reason for the thread. Nevertheless, if this would be better suited in Rate my Tone/Mix, I'll move it :)
Bumping with mild shame. I'll only do one, I promise! I'm just interested to see if anyone has any comments, I'm pretty proud of the mix finally, which made me find pride in the tracks again.