Remixing our track. I could use some ears.


Apr 18, 2010
I'm new here, so take this as some friendly advice. People tend to listen to music more when it can be streamed rather than having to go through the lengthy process of downloading it.

Try uploading it to sound cloud or a similar platform and share that link here instead.

Good luck.
Mp3s can normally be played through peoples browsers so I figured dropbox would normally work but I can upload it to my sound cloud tomorrow.
Mp3s can normally be played through peoples browsers so I figured dropbox would normally work but I can upload it to my sound cloud tomorrow.

You're right, but some of those links did not bring up a media player, but rather a download link. That is why I mentioned it.

Any advice on the guitar tone would be appreciated. I feel that's where the mix isn't it's best.

I'm having a lot of trouble recording guitar through my interface. My Pro24 has a line input and inst input. Inst just clips with the gain all the way down but Line input just doesn't sound right and feels weak. :rolleyes:
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I cant really comment on the guitar tone as the speakers I have in front of me at this point in time are tinny and of poor quality, but if you feel that the guitar tone is not right then its not right. If we tell you that it sounds right or wrong, it will still sound wrong to you. go back until you're happy with it. It's your mix after all. I'll offer some advice on the tone when I get home though.
I'm just not sure what to do. I think the only way I'll actually be happy with it is if I record it with a real amp. Amp sims drive me nuts. I have such a hard time EQing them. Once I have a guitar amp next to me and some impulses or even micing a cab I get much better results with far less eqing.
I'm just not sure what to do. I think the only way I'll actually be happy with it is if I record it with a real amp. Amp sims drive me nuts. I have such a hard time EQing them. Once I have a guitar amp next to me and some impulses or even micing a cab I get much better results with far less eqing.

The only thing I can suggest is that you try one of the reamping services listed on this forum. Or borrow an amp from a friend and run a clean line out to the amp then back into a separate track to record.
Hello again... After listening back on my DT990's I think you're suffering from the (what some call) "cardboard" frequencies. I think you'll find a nice wide cut between 700hz-1.2khz (perhaps around -6dB maybe a little more, whatever sounds best to you really) will make the guitars more focused, edgy and the low end will tighten up a bit.

Let me know how it goes!
Thanks for the help.

Just sat down and reEQed the guitars.

Here's some more of the song too.

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Alright I'm pretty sure Instrumentally this mix is good.

What do you guys think. I've been listening to this over and over again I just need a little more feedback and we'll do vocals and I'll release this track for downloading ect.
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