I'll chime in real quick by saying:
Yes, any band can have their own forum, it is not that hard to set up. However, that's not why UltimateMetal exists, to provide just a "forum" for a band.
Countless people have discovered other great bands by visiting their fav band forum on this site. As much as we may think everyone knows about Symphony X, some kid who just found out about Children of Bodom at Hot Topic or Opeth from their video on Headbanger's Ball, may have never even heard of SymX. By visiting the CoB/Opeth forum, they will run across this SymX forum at some point. UM exists to provide forums, but also to allow bands to benefit from the cross promotion/visiting. It also allows forums to be more active than they might otherwise be by allowing one user login for all these forums instead of dorking with umpteen sign-ups on umpteen forums.
In addition to that, you have no idea what a major (and I mean major) pain it is to fight spam bots, spammers, trolls, multiple user profiles, troublemakers, keep up with software updates, etc. - most the bands on here no longer have to worry about it because we are handling all that for them. More bands than I can name came to us because their board was hacked, spam infested (you seen Century Media forum lately?! Prime example) and the like. It's a lot of work.
Any band on this site can request sub-forums as well. Most choose not to because, well, sometimes more is not better. It segregates the users too much I find. A few are fine, but I don't care for forums that have 15 different sub forums personally.
Anyways, hopefully that sheds a bit more light on the whole forum thingy