User Rep is gone!!! That Sucks!


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
I have always enjoyed the REP feature on here Its just makes me wonder shouldnt we the members of this fucking message board be asked if something should be changed or removed ..... is it fair that we get absolutely no say In america in a community there has to be a vote before the administration goes and fucks with things ... "There are no plans of it returning, so please do not ask.".... Why I understand Abuse but why punish the entire group for something some asshole did PUNISH THE ASSHOLE not us now I know aits just the little green dots they did away with But God MotherFucking Dammit I liked Haveing the rep there ....... Oh well thats my rant for today FUCK THE WORLD!
i never had any anyway jonnyd,so it makes no odds to me,but its a bummer for some of you boys that did.first the post count,now this!!is this a communist society,where everyone is supposed to be equal?i bet the admin guys have got secret reps and post counts just for them-some are equal,but admins are more equal than others!!!!
jesus its late.i need more beer.
I'm with Baldy on this, the user reps was no biggie but I'd like to see post counts listed again. Keep giving 'em hell JonnyD.
hahahaha it really doesnt make any difference I had Just woken up when I posted that :) I need something to bitch about and that stood right out at me ..... I still dont like it but it doesnt matter.... lol I had 5 of those lil fuckers that took me a while to do
I don't care for the rep or the post count. But lately everytime I post the Now Playing nothings shows up, what is happening? Or it was disabled too?