Replacement for M-Audio Delta 2496 ??

korpse pop

Horde of Undead Vengeance
Jun 22, 2005
I have M-audio delta 2496 and recently bought a new computer with Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit. It seems that M-Audio is not very much interested in making drivers for Vista, so I think I'm going to need to get a new recording interface.
I'm thinking of getting a usb device and use that for recording and use the integrated realtek HD for everything else like gaming etc.
Anyone have any good suggestions what should I get ?
Must support 24bit/44.1 khz recording and Vista.
Go for something firewire, such as the Motu 8pre, the Motu 828MKII, Presonus Firepod, RME Fireface 400/800 it's all down to how much you wanna spend, give us a price limit.
Go for something firewire, such as the Motu 8pre, the Motu 828MKII, Presonus Firepod, RME Fireface 400/800 it's all down to how much you wanna spend, give us a price limit.

I only need to record 1 channel , guitar + vocs. I don't want to spend too much, maybe 100-200 euros.
maybe I'm just being "smart-assing" :p
but I bought a new computer lately, something pretty powerful, dual core, 2gb ram, 2HDs,
and personnaly I choose to run Windows Xp on this machine. Vista is pretty "young" and i dunno if its a good idea to trust it for important audio project.