Republician National Convention

I finally got my cable modem and cable TV
So i have been watching the news all day.
About to go to meet a band for production.
and then Animal Planet will be on for the Pups
Yeah, what was funny about Bush's speech was that he denounced Kerry's quote of saying "The heart of america is in Hollywood" While I agree with Bush that it is a retarded thing to say on Kerry's part (Fuck Hollywood) he went out and he totally contradicted Arnold's speech making himself look like a fucking moron saying that no one with conservative values can come from Hollywood thus he pretty much denounced his own party..... I would really like to meet Bush's speechwriters Ahhhhh he is making it just to easy..... 2 more months, 2 more months, 2 more months!!!!
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Thats great coming from a 15 year old kid whos opinion means shit. Come back in 3 years when you can vote, and your opinion matters.
What the fuck is your problem? It's my fucking opinon that the presidents speech was good, and my opinion does matter, because believe it or not, there are people who support Bush. I may not be able to vote yet, but I can support the president, unlike liberal dickheads like you! Why don't you go read one of your Al Franken books, or watch Fahrenheit 911 for the 10th time?
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Yeah, what was funny about Bush's speech was that he denounced Kerry's quote of saying "The heart of america is in Hollywood" While I agree with Bush that it is a retarded thing to say on Kerry's part (Fuck Hollywood) he went out and he totally contradicted Arnold's speech making himself look like a fucking moron saying that no one with conservative values can come from Hollywood thus he pretty much denounced his own party..... I would really like to meet Bush's speechwriters Ahhhhh he is making it just to easy..... 2 more months, 2 more months, 2 more months!!!!

He denounced the legitimacy of moral values of hollywood.
Ron Silver was awesome and good news for all us Bush supporters.
Today he is ahead od kerry by 7 points
Bush %52
Those polls mean pretty much nothing though, Billy. It is just from a small demographic area. When I see the polls for when Kerry is ahead, I still don't pay any attention to them. I honestly think that the polls will mean something after the debates. I am pretty excited about seeing that because in my opinion that is when we will find out who is or will be the better leader. I am a democrat but I think whoever is the best person to take office should win and I think the debates will define that.
By the way, where is T-Man? I usually like listening to his opinions on this stuff. Come out of hiding T-Man :) , Hope things are okay with ya if you are reading any of this
Shut the fuck up you little bitch. Support Bush all you want. You are a piece of shit 15 year old who cant even drive a fucken car. I support the president asshole. I even fought in a war for his father. So in closing go watch the Power Rangers or whatever the fuck little kids like you watch now, and leave the politics for adults who have opinions that matter,. 15 years old = no one gives a shit. You cant even see a PG movie by your self or buy a decent video game. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP BABY BOY. YOUR OPINION MEANS NOTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING

Cryptkeeper said:
What the fuck is your problem? It's my fucking opinon that the presidents speech was good, and my opinion does matter, because believe it or not, there are people who support Bush. I may not be able to vote yet, but I can support the president, unlike liberal dickheads like you! Why don't you go read one of your Al Franken books, or watch Fahrenheit 911 for the 10th time?
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Shut the fuck up you little bitch. Support Bush all you want. You are a piece of shit 15 year old who cant even drive a fucken car. I support the president asshole. I even fought in a war for his father. So in closing go watch the Power Rangers or whatever the fuck little kids like you watch now, and leave the politics for adults who have opinions that matter,. 15 years old = no one gives a shit. You cant even see a PG movie by your self or buy a decent video game. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP BABY BOY. YOUR OPINION MEANS NOTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's just plain sad.

I do however, honor you for your service, but you will probally attack me again and say something along the lines of "Your 15, I don't give a shit about your opinion, because you are 15!"
Ron Silver...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, actually the RNC was the best thing that hack actor has EVER done. Like his opinion of Hollywood matters. The only reason he turned on Hollywood, because he cant even get arrested in Hollywood.

And the only thing Polls are good for are strippers. Polls are so useless and biased. All they do is call areas that favor whomever they are polling for, and talk to about 100 people.

Buzzard said:
He denounced the legitimacy of moral values of hollywood.
Ron Silver was awesome and good news for all us Bush supporters.
Today he is ahead od kerry by 7 points
Bush %52
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Shut the fuck up you little bitch. Support Bush all you want. You are a piece of shit 15 year old who cant even drive a fucken car. I support the president asshole. I even fought in a war for his father. So in closing go watch the Power Rangers or whatever the fuck little kids like you watch now, and leave the politics for adults who have opinions that matter,. 15 years old = no one gives a shit. You cant even see a PG movie by your self or buy a decent video game. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP BABY BOY. YOUR OPINION MEANS NOTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING

Thanks for your service!!! I also have many friends and family who have or are still fighting in the current and past war in Iraq. My cousin was one week away from being sent home after more than a year of being in that shithole and as he was being transported to his final destination to be debriefed he was caught in an ambush and his vehicle got hit with a roadside bomb. He got half of his kneecap blown off...He spent many weeks in Rammstein recuperating and to make matters worse when he was FINALLY coming back to his wife, his truck that he was being transported in, got in an accident and flipped over...He was able to escape the accident with minor injuries but jesus christ it was an extremely scary couple of weeks for our family
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
My cousin was one week away from being sent home after more than a year of being in that shithole and as he was being transported to his final destination to be debriefed he was caught in an ambush and his vehicle got hit with a roadside bomb. He got half of his kneecap blown off...He spent many weeks in Rammstein recuperating and to make matters worse when he was FINALLY coming back to his wife, his truck that he was being transported in, got in an accident and flipped over...He was able to escape the accident with minor injuries but jesus christ it was an extremely scary couple of weeks for our family
Wow. That sucks. How is he doing?
Holy fuck dude. That sucks. Buts it good to hear he is coming home. The war in Iraq should have been over a decade ago. But George Bush Sr was to much of a failure as a president to get the job done right, thats why he was out after 4 years. George Jr will be out soon enough, and hopefully so will our troops in Iraq.


MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Thanks for your service!!! I also have many friends and family who have or are still fighting in the current and past war in Iraq. My cousin was one week away from being sent home after more than a year of being in that shithole and as he was being transported to his final destination to be debriefed he was caught in an ambush and his vehicle got hit with a roadside bomb. He got half of his kneecap blown off...He spent many weeks in Rammstein recuperating and to make matters worse when he was FINALLY coming back to his wife, his truck that he was being transported in, got in an accident and flipped over...He was able to escape the accident with minor injuries but jesus christ it was an extremely scary couple of weeks for our family
Cryptkeeper said:
What the fuck is your problem? It's my fucking opinon that the presidents speech was good, and my opinion does matter, because believe it or not, there are people who support Bush. I may not be able to vote yet, but I can support the president, unlike liberal dickheads like you! Why don't you go read one of your Al Franken books, or watch Fahrenheit 911 for the 10th time?
Dont sweat Muffy dude, What he dont understand is that 15 year olds grow up and that they are our future............. and yes your opinion matter just like everyone elses . so dont let that dude piss you off....hes just angry...... about what i have no idea..............
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Ron Silver...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, actually the RNC was the best thing that hack actor has EVER done. Like his opinion of Hollywood matters. The only reason he turned on Hollywood, because he cant even get arrested in Hollywood.

And the only thing Polls are good for are strippers. Polls are so useless and biased. All they do is call areas that favor whomever they are polling for, and talk to about 100 people.
1369 people to be exact