Republician National Convention

old school headbanger said:
Dont sweat Muffy dude, What he dont understand is that 15 year olds grow up and that they are our future............. and yes your opinion matter just like everyone elses . so dont let that dude piss you off....hes just angry...... about what i have no idea..............
He didn't piss me off, I just think it's ridiculuos that just because I'm 15 he assumes I don't know anything. Believe me Old School, the last thing I want to do is sweat him.
again, a 15 year olds opinion is worth nothing. I never assumed you didnt know anything. I said your 15 year old opinion is worthless. You count as nothing. you are not even a good bottle of scotch. no one cares what 15 year old think, and no one gives a shit what your political opinion is because it means nothing. I dont give a fuck what you think you know. you are 15. a little baby boy. isnt it time you go back to the blues clues board.

Cryptkeeper said:
He didn't piss me off, I just think it's ridiculuos that just because I'm 15 he assumes I don't know anything. Believe me Old School, the last thing I want to do is sweat him.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
again, a 15 year olds opinion is worth nothing. I never assumed you didnt know anything. I said your 15 year old opinion is worthless. You count as nothing. you are not even a good bottle of scotch. no one cares what 15 year old think, and no one gives a shit what your political opinion is because it means nothing. I dont give a fuck what you think you know. you are 15. a little baby boy. isnt it time you go back to the blues clues board.
Once again, you grace us with your ignorance. Why is a 15 year old's opinion worthless? So your saying that I am nothing? I am worth nothing? I don't think I know anything more than I already know. We are the future of this this country, you do know that, don't you?
muffytheVampirelayer said:

You know Muffy , we all have been kinda nice to each other lately ( probley why TMann and Bobo`c havent been posting), and for you to play the "bully " picking on a 15 year old............... you aught to try being nice for a change.............
fuck that piece of shit 15 year old faggot. ill bash him and slam him when ever the fuck I like.

old school headbanger said:

You know Muffy , we all have been kinda nice to each other lately ( probley why TMann and Bobo`c havent been posting), and for you to play the "bully " picking on a 15 year old............... you aught to try being nice for a change.............
Yep I sure am a faggot. We have guys on here that worship professional faggots called wrestlers, and Im a faggot. All this coming from a 15 year old Bush supporter. Anyone who supports Bush is a fucken faggot to me.

Cryptkeeper said:
True. I thought they had computer restrictions in homes for those with "special needs".

I'm not even going to wate my time with faggots like muffy, I'm just going to sit back and laugh at his ignorance.
at 15 its easy to make choices and then turn back bcs you're not responsible for anything but yourself but your voice does count as part of the future, only when it make sense though. you probably dont know enough about politics to really know what's good and what's bad hence why noone listens to a 15yr old's opinion
muffytheVampirelayer said:
again, a 15 year olds opinion is worth nothing. I never assumed you didnt know anything. I said your 15 year old opinion is worthless. You count as nothing. you are not even a good bottle of scotch. no one cares what 15 year old think, and no one gives a shit what your political opinion is because it means nothing. I dont give a fuck what you think you know. you are 15. a little baby boy. isnt it time you go back to the blues clues board.

Whilst you may be kind of right at the moment that his opinion is not of very much value at the moment, in a few years it will be, but he still has alot to learn anyway.
CoverUinOil said:
at 15 its easy to make choices and then turn back bcs you're not responsible for anything but yourself but your voice does count as part of the future, only when it make sense though.
First off, I'm not a flip-flopper like John Kerry, and I will never turn back on what I said about the RNC, or about Bush. And what did I say that didn't make sese?

The RNC is over, so I guess this thread is going to degenerate into attacking my intelligence.
I think its good that a 15 yr old is interested in politics. Hes got an opinion and he stands by it. Sure, hes 15 and cant vote, but one day all the 15yr olds are gonna be running this country. Not like Bush, bankrupting companies and getting DUIs than deciding to get into politics.
Cryptkeeper said:
I love how people automatically assume that just because I'm 15 I'm incompetent when discussing politics.

I never suggested that mate, and I think it's cool you are interested in politics. Its just that since you are 15 you can't vote, so at the moment you cannot vote, thus not being able to make a difference. :)
humungo said:
I never suggested that mate, and I think it's cool you are interested in politics. Its just that since you are 15 you can't vote, so at the moment you cannot vote, thus not being able to make a difference. :)
Ok, now I see what you're saying. True, I can't vote, but Bush is the canadite that I support, and I feel that I express my feelings on politics, and Bush. I was refering to muffy with the "incompatint when discussing politics" line, because he seems to feel that just because of my age, I should just shut up about politics, which I will not.
Fuck muffy, when i first met that prick , thats what he was ,a prick, he chilled out for about what? 2 months , and he turns right around to being a dick again............Fuck him...................I should have know someone that names him(or is it her?)self after a cheesy porno isnt anything but a first class jerkoff(aka an Antrax fan)...............................

Just an observation of course.............................
Cryptkeeper said:
He didn't piss me off, I just think it's ridiculuos that just because I'm 15 he assumes I don't know anything. Believe me Old School, the last thing I want to do is sweat him.
dont feel bad ignorant assholes think because there old they got all the answers and young folks dont know shit this one guy told me once "your only 20 what do you know" I'm gonna say this being old doesnt make you smart it just makes you.........old
Muff Daddy's a fairy!! He's been that way from the start and there's no reason for this fag fucking liberal piece of shit to change now.

I'm surprised you haven't caught on to his deal yet...His posts are all bullshit
guaranteed to piss you off, that's what this loser does, hell I myself was ready to find this pussy and lay a beating on him (That's when he got quiet)
And the fact that he's picking on 15y/o's doesn't surprise me a bit either.....
It's probably all he can harrass. And I don't believe for a second that this
fucking clown served any military service, oral service at a rest stop with some fag definetly....defending our country, don't hold your breath.

Go fuck yourself muffy!! You're a homo!! try picking on someone whose not in there teens.

old school headbanger said:
Fuck muffy, when i first met that prick , thats what he was ,a prick, he chilled out for about what? 2 months , and he turns right around to being a dick again............Fuck him...................I should have know someone that names him(or is it her?)self after a cheesy porno isnt anything but a first class jerkoff(aka an Antrax fan)...............................