
god dammit, I only have like 15 rep points. I guess I should start kissing some asses around here.. :lol:

edit: sorry, I have 16 rep points.
hey, is there any possibility to see who has given you a reputation point? it's annoying, now that I've gotten a few but I can't tell who gave them, I can only guess..
1 red one from some asshole

he must have been tired your 50th " :lol: " in the same post

EDIT: in you control panel you can see the Reputaion point you receives but you cannot see who gave 'em to you. Do someone know how to know who give rep?
bah the reputation dosent determine how cool you are, it's say are people thin k you're cool. like me, i should have 10 green bar at least, but you peopel will never understand how genius i am
Err...I got one green, one white and one red....Lol...the white says I'm gay, but why should I care since gay girls are considered hot by guys(lol), the red one says "f*ck yourself and die"....Death by orgasm seems like a good don't care.... lol....
But...hei! Come on! I want more green!!!!
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