Requiem for a Dream

I don't think the movie is anti-drugs as much as it is anti-addiction. Plain and simple, it's about addiction and how low it can take you. Remember, Harry's mom is obsessed with losing weight. She becomes addicted to the idea of weight loss as much as to the amphetamines themselves.

I think Darren Aronofsky is a great director. Pi is pretty cool. The Wrestler and Black Swan are pretty dull subjects to me, but great films for what they were about. The Fountain is one of my all-time favorite films. It also has somewhat of a psychedelic slant to it which makes me think Aronofsky isn't as "anti-drugs" as some people think after watching Requiem for a Dream. It's also deeper, and more thoughtful of a movie than Requiem.

Requiem is just as much about the cinematography as anything else though. The camera work/editing/effects in it are awesome.
After knowing more than a small handful of addicts (some who quit, some who didn't, and some who died) I don't think that very much in this movie was exaggerated.
along the lines of the subject; anybody seen the documentary about the guy who had been addicted to heroin for a looong time, goes through rehab, and dies from the withdrawal symptoms in the end?

i've only heard about it, and i'd like to see it. just hearing the guy's story was shocking as fuck, i never knew you could actually die from withdrawal to a drug.

anybody know the name of the documentary?

Seriously? Never thought you could die from narcotic withdraw. I know that it´s kinda common with alcohol withdraw, IIRC Amy Winehouse died from it.

About the arm amputation thing on the movie, I would say that it´s an exaggeration but some people reach that point in real life. I really don´t know why, because keep using a vein that is already busted with blood clots hurts a lot and takes months to heal even with medical care. If I´m not mistaken you can inject narcotics on most parts of your body (like butt or belly), just like soldiers and firefighters do with those syrettes.