reset button

Night Reaper

ooo the reaper wants more
Oct 6, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
ok, I was thinking about life while on the high end, and all of a sudden it hit me

life is not a game you only have one chance, there is no second try (reset button )

but the next day, I was like ''well you can move to another country where nobody knows you''..... which is kind of like a restart since nobody knows your past


right now im leaning towards ''NO'' simply cause even if you restart somewhere else and nobody knows your past, your past made you who you are today
I kind of agree with you to an extent, but the thing is, people are also so quick to point out how much people have changed. If you went through a bad enough experience to make you move then I would most definitely think it would cause the person to change, and upon moving far away, they should have a fresh slate to get on with their life, but the willpower to not relapse and put themselves in the same circumstances that got them there is a matter of either willpower or just pure stupidity. Maybe both.
That's true as well, but I think if you have a positive life experience already then I don't think much will change them unless their put in some really rough situations. That's what I mean basically. Either way, I'd love to move the hell out of America some day and be somewhere that I could just live peacefully in an atmosphere that isn't as obnoxious as what it's like here.
I'm currently undergoing a huge change in my life right now. I like to think I'm resetting my life.

Well, ok. Currently started two years ago. I was living in the city, with my girlfriend. I was not doing well; I was depressed and I was drinking and smoking a lot. I was bouncing from shitty job to shitty job, with no plans. Lo and behold, the girlfriend dumps me, and I end up back in the suburbs of Chicago. Pretty much relationship, location, and financial reset there [she left me in the red].

Cut to now.

I'm back in school, with a 3.9 GPA and I'm finishing in less than two years.
I've not smoked cigarettes in about a year and a half, and I have no had any alcohol in about four months.
I am in therapy, I am getting healthy, and I am getting involved in comedy again. [I used to perform improv, sketch, and standup before I got all boohoo-y].

This hard reset, though, has happened. I didn't have to move or change my name.

The problem is that resets like this are pricey. I don't hang out with the same people. I don't fit in with old friends because I don't drink or smoke anymore. Actually, Cracked has a good article on how shitty quitting an addiction can be, relationship- and friendship-wise. I'll find it later. Point is, I needed this reset...and even though certain things blow, like not having much of a social life because no one calls the sober guy, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.

Life is a one-shot deal, but you can change it up any time you want. You just need to figure out your goals and convictions, and just go for it.

The me from two years ago is VERY different from the me now. And it's because I reset my shit.

My past affects my personality, but I've met people now that would not believe what I was like in the past.

So, yeah. I think there is a reset button to life, in a way. While I am getting back to old things I found enjoyable [comedy, art, writing], I am a different [sober, healthier] person with different wants and needs.
Wow thank you for sharing. I find it kinda interesting to read about other peoples life. (don't misunderstand me, I am serious). And when I read stuff like your story here, even tho I don't know you personally, I kinda feel free to say kind words, maybe share some of my story, relate to what you've been through and also share my thoughts about things in life.
I'm sorry to hear that you've had such a rough time, but we all go through something shitty somehow, sometime :) And the only person who can do something about it, is you. No one else. If you want to make a difference and change your way of living into something better, you're the one who's gotta do it. Alone, or with support from friends/family.

Me myself is like a nuclear bomb of ups and downs. I have one best friend who lives about an 8 hour car-ride away from me, my other friend moved away to England to study for some years, another one is a 25-26 year old virgin who hates everyone and everything and can't do nothing but to complain about how miserable his life is since he is never to have a girlfriend and get laid. The other one is a 36-37 year old woman, who's also my cousins wife (my cousin is also my friend). So I don't have many friends to turn to, if you catch my drift. My sister (at the age of 40) is my biggest rock here in life I think, so she helps, and have helped me a lot!
To share something of mine: I've done my time, that lasted maybe 7 or 8 years, telling myself that I'm a nobody. Low self-esteem, being shy, avoiding a social life, be by myself all the time, no talking to anybody. Teachers at school said I was too quiet x) All basic "teenager-behaviour" probably. But it got worse, and it didn't seem that it would get better. I tried finding things that could make me think about anything else than "how does my body look? what do people think when they see me out on the street? can I wear this today? or that? oh, that woman's so much more fit and skinny than me. I bet they throw up at home after seeing me.." Catch my drift? My mother and sister sent me to the doctors. The doctor sent me to a psychologist. The psychologist was a twat, in the mid-30s I think, who thought she was "at my level", talking slang and all that shit while I was talking about my problems. Went there a few times, and then I just gave up on her. I struggled big time with jealousy, I would say extreme jealousy and my last boyfriend fucked up my head. Constantly telling me how mentally damaged I was, "crazy bitch", was embarrassed to hold my hand in public, embarrassed over my laughter. "Do you have to laugh that way? dumb bitch". So finally, after sticking with him for 2,5 years (ask anybody how... they'll just shake their head..) I was so mentally exhausted that I ended the whole thing. It was for his sake I worked out until I puked. It was for him I didn't eat right. It was for him I'd spend 1,5 hours every single morning to figure out "what will I feel comfortable and feel good-looking in today?" Fuck man, I was down in 52kg, almost 51kg at the minimum, and I was on the highway right down. I lost about 2 or 3 very good friends, during the relationship with my ex, because I shut the world out, just to be with him. But only a few days after the break-up, my whole life turned. Automaticly. Because I didn't have all these burdens like body-fixation/hysteria, psyching myself up to the maximum mentally about losing weight etc.etc. And now I've learned so much from it (not the relationship itself, but from every experience and stages in my life). Learned that I really do need friends. Learned that I don't need to look like a supermodel to get people to like me for who I am. I started seeing and realizing things like all the extreme state of poverty around the world, the ones who don't even have fresh water, no food, no money, don't have a home, a bed to sleep in or children who grow up with no parents... I saw that, dude, I fucking have it all, and still I'm living day by day, whining and bothering other people I care about with my twisted vision on the "perfect female body"?! I don't do it for myself, but for everybody else. Skinny, attractive women get a lot of attention and a lot of compliments. Media is the proof.
So I finally have recovered. Even though I don't feel that I've pushed a reset button. I have confidence in myself, I do great at work, I do great with spending right time with my family, but I'm still lousy at keeping in touch with my friends. But the ones who really know me, have accepted that, and they're contacting me anyway, and that means so much! blablabla. I've written too much...

Anywhore, I would not call it a reset button. That's because if I decided to push the reset-life button, I wouldn't want to remember anything that had happened to me. Good or bad. If you push the reset button on a game-controller or a cellphone, it erases all memory and is starting fresh. And I don't think I would want that for myself. I've been given a gift - life - and life is meant to be lived. As Night Reaper says: you only get one life. And my sister said something that I kinda live by: "There's only ONE thing I HAVE to do in life. And that is to die. Everything else, I can choose." I can chose not go to work, but that'll have consequences. I could choose not to eat, but that'll have consequences.
Experiences through all the way, good and bad, learning from mistakes, not learning from mistakes. Now maybe I take this reset button TOO serious, but personally, I want to keep all my memories. The bad ones, because then I know I have failed too at things, and taken bad decisions, but then I've learned from them, and I want to remember them because it's a part of me, a part of the life I've lived. I don't want to go thinking about it 24/7, and bury myself in regret. No no. And of course the good ones :) Thinking about certain good memories and experiences, can help making everything a liiitle better :)

A reset or 'restart' on a computer doesn't wipe everything out where you have to re-write or even re-install the whole programme, you already have a platform to which you can move forward from.

I've experienced re-inventing myself when changing schools, changing jobs and changing groups of friends.

Be confident in yourself and strive to be your role models and most importantly pick good role models not douche-bags. If hanging out with your current friends doesn't allow you to comfortably be who you want to be among them - leave them behind!

The 'Tall Poppy Syndrome' is rife over here and the only way to escape is to move forward and hang out with other Tall Poppies.

A reset or 'restart' on a computer doesn't wipe everything out where you have to re-write or even re-install the whole programme, you already have a platform to which you can move forward from

yea but reset and restart is not really a ''RESET'' it's like going for nap, just like humans going to sleep and waking up

what im talking about is if you ''format'' your computer, then you practically restart with nothing

nice to hear crabs and hinge are doing better
what im talking about is if you ''format'' your computer, then you practically restart with nothing

I don't believe you can, even sufferers of amnesia don't have to learn how to walk, get toilet trained, etc.

If you could damage the brain where you had lost all that, it would take you longer than a child to relearn if at all, it wouldn't be instant like formatting a PC. Also the older you get longer it takes to learn some things, i.e. how quick do kids learn language?

I don't believe you can, even sufferers of amnesia don't have to learn how to walk, get toilet trained, etc.

If you could damage the brain where you had lost all that, it would take you longer than a child to relearn if at all, it wouldn't be instant like formatting a PC. Also the older you get longer it takes to learn some things, i.e. how quick do kids learn language?

Now don't get all TOO serious here... As I was talking about, was that all memories from your past life was whiped out.
If you play Super Mario on Nintendo 64, and you erase all of your games and earned stars, every star you've earned will be erased and you'll have to earn new ones.
So think of it as a videogame. Ratchet & Clank (PS2) is a good example to me. There you collect bolts that you use as money to buy stuff. You buy armor, weapons, ammo etc. and you get skills. If you're erasing you PS2 memory card, everything in the game will have to start all over, by collecting new bolts to buy new stuff all over again. You got it now?
At least that's what I've been talking about and what I mean and think when I hear a "reset-life-button". It's not like it's going to make you be re-born, with potty-training, walking, talking and eating all over again. Just basic memories from your life. People usually don't remember much from their early childhood anyway, and it's difficult, at least for me, to set a certain age-limit for what memories you can remember or not. Like first day at school, your first girlfriend, first kiss, that time you all got drunk and took a dump in the grumpy neighbours yard... Catch my drift?

But if this reset-button was supposed to be taken dead seriously, then I would look at it as bein re-born. Only you won't start off as a baby, but the same age you were when the reset-button was pushed. Walk, talk, write, ride a bicycle all over again.
I don't believe you can, even sufferers of amnesia don't have to learn how to walk, get toilet trained, etc.

If you could damage the brain where you had lost all that, it would take you longer than a child to relearn if at all, it wouldn't be instant like formatting a PC. Also the older you get longer it takes to learn some things, i.e. how quick do kids learn language?


ok yea i see what you mean, here's a better analogy of what i was trying to say

let's say your an external hard drive, your use on an average pc in a shitty office that the desk smells like coffee and sex(anal) you get dropped often, they put loads of paper on top of you, and the worse part is your next to a printer don't won't stop whining. right now your in the level of suck, every game has a of level of suck aka suckland, where you lose your items or health or some other shit, kind of like the licenses in gran turismo, fuckin pain in the ass, i was a good driver but holy fuck those licenses were complete bullshit, anywho one day you get picked up and you go up a floor in the building, where every thing is awesome... like hawaii. So boom now your in a hole new surrounding but you still have the info in you, but actually here are some difference, 1 the eternal hard drive is not in charge, YOU ARE, you don't need electricity to survive (some people do), your a human, that's just stupid, fuck just saw micheal phelps finish 4th at the olympics. but in a way an external hard drive is like the brain, you keep the good porn you delete the bad, another thing is, don't get me wrong but external hard drive are fragile but so are humans, some people can die from eating a peanut, you can even die from a coconut falling on your head... and have you heard about getting scared to death ? looks like shit just got real,(wrote this before reading crabs post just for the record)
People usually don't remember much from their early childhood anyway, and it's difficult, at least for me, to set a certain age-limit for what memories you can remember or not.

There is a popular Jesuit saying, "Give me the child until he is seven and I will give you the man" another version is "Give me a child before he's seven, and he will be mine for life."

What they were basically saying is if they are given the opportunity to raise the child up until 7 years of age they would instil in him moral values that can never be broken, in their teen years they may rebel but will always revert back to basic morals, upbringing, etc. later in life.

In those early years, although you may not remember, you absorb quite a lot into your subconscious.

There is a popular Jesuit saying, "Give me the child until he is seven and I will give you the man" another version is "Give me a child before he's seven, and he will be mine for life."

What they were basically saying is if they are given the opportunity to raise the child up until 7 years of age they would instil in him moral values that can never be broken, in their teen years they may rebel but will always revert back to basic morals, upbringing, etc. later in life.

In those early years, although you may not remember, you absorb quite a lot into your subconscious.


Jesuits: perfect sources in behavioral psychology and neuroscience.