Some of Vivaldi's stuff is definitely eargasmic, but as a whole I can't say that I absolutely love all/most of it.
yeah, I know what you mean on this. And although I agree that not all of his compositions are amazing, I feel that the intensity of the ones that
are amazing just blows my mind. Like I've never experienced that much emotion/feeling in music before (altho some Sinergy and Bodom comes close). So just by virtue of the amount of intensity alone, I'd have to say he's my favorite composer right now. I think the best musical pieces I've heard thus far have come from his mind.
Bodom/Alexi used to be my favorite band/guitarist by far, but for me metal music in general can never contend with well-done film scores. Of course while driving in the car or something I'll prefer to listen to metal though, but that has a lot to do with the noise level in the car, not being able to hear all the low-volume instruments in the dynamic mix of film score/classical pieces.
Yeah, I think they are just on 2 different levels all together. And each somewhat serves a different purpose, so comparing them isn't all that fair. Besides, what could feel more at home than blasting some FTR in the car <3
Most tasteful lead guitarist of metal ever, but again I just can't even place metal on the same level as film score.
While watching Farewell again, I was thinking that Syu has in his fingers what Alexi once had in his Sinergy days.
omgz I can't believe I just said that
Nothing to even say here lol. He has some sick riffs and all, but it's Deluhi itself I love rather than Leda's playing/composing.
haha, yeah I just had to add him cuz he's like on our top 5 list right now. It'd be an incomplete series of sadfaces without him. altho I don't actually think leda is capable of making a sad face, lol.
How 'bout the next thing on the list is I'll watch it with you and make you love the music so that you don't have to sit through it and feel like the movie sucks
Make me love the music

? Lol I swear you're trying to make me your twin or something. First those yama vocals and now lord of the fags...
Well if we're adding that to the list, we better get started soon. It's one hell of a list.
and lol, I just realized nothing I've written in this thread is relevant to the topic whatsoever