The FAIL Thread.

Its looking like my friend canceled on me for the Ensiferum show tomorrow night. I should have known better than inviting her after shes flaked out so many times before. So now I'm stuck either madly rushing to get someone to go last minute, going alone or not going at all and having wasted $60 on tickets
Its looking like my friend canceled on me for the Ensiferum show tomorrow night. I should have known better than inviting her after shes flaked out so many times before. So now I'm stuck either madly rushing to get someone to go last minute, going alone or not going at all and having wasted $60 on tickets

id fucking go alone id give a lot to see ensiferum fuck good bands dont come to my country
where do u live?
I've never been to a show alone in all honesty so its slightly nerve-racking especially since it's in the city. I live in New Jersey, but the show is in New York
I've never been to a show alone in all honesty so its slightly nerve-racking especially since it's in the city. I live in New Jersey, but the show is in New York

wtf the thing is too see the band well at least for me,,,, id go with you if i was in ny but i wont be there till next july
Of course the point is to see the band but nevertheless its comforting to have someone else there especially considering some of the creeps I've encountered at shows. PLUS now theres a snowstorm coming in to the area transportation is gonna be a bitch >.<
I got vaccinated for swine flu cos my mom was being all intense, got wasted after, and now I feel like shit :) not sure if that's a win or a fail...
Thats generally what happens with me too but the point of bringing someone for me at least (aside from the fact that its a fun experience to share) is to have them there before and after the performance itself
well i guess i say that because i always get the first places in shows so basically i only see things that are in front of me
I usually go with a couple of friends and then me and one or two other people kinda fight our way to the front and that's usually how it works... Unless a shitty supporting band is playing in which case I just get drunk until whoever I want to see is on.
Thats generally what happens with me too but the point of bringing someone for me at least (aside from the fact that its a fun experience to share) is to have them there before and after the performance itself

yeah, basically using them for entertainment while waiting for +3 hours. :lol: