Resizing images


The Devil's Daughter
Dec 11, 2004
The Desert
I am trying to resize an image in photoshop to make it less than 7000kb so I can use it as an avatar. It will not get small enough. Anyone know any tricks???
Marleah said:
.....Did you want it this size? If so, all I did was paste it into a new layer, crop and manually resize it.


That's a really good picture by the way. Ozzfest?
Thanks for resizing it for me. Yeah, Ozzfest. The one on the left is my nephew from Florida. He is a funny little fukker that kid! Ozzfest was his first concert ever. Great first show, huh? He got Iron Maiden for Christ's sake! and Mudvayne, which is his favorite band right now! He got a CD and got it signed and asked the Mudvayne drummer about Alchemy cymbals and all! I will post another picture that he took next. I think the kid is gonna be a rock star someday! By the way, how can a picture of 2 great looking guys be bad??? hehehe I tried to resize it a million times and it was always 19.5k or above!
This is a great picture. My little darling stood on the concrete base of a light pole and yelled as loud as he could, "ALL RIGHT YOU FUCKERS, SMILE!!!" right after Rob Zombie played, when everyone was going from the B Stage to the Main Stage, and this is the response that he got. The kid definitely has charisma!!! People like him! He was getting attention all day, everytime he opened his mouth or moved, but this pic tells all. He is nobody special and he got this from the crowd.

Imagine if he was SOMEBODY!!! I truly think that he will be some day. He thinks he wants to teach music. I think he should PLAY music and let me be his manager!!! WOOHOO!!!
Wow.. that is the experience of a lifetime indeed. there's definitely some bragging rights included in that - Iron Maiden... ah, I'm jealous. My first concert was in a club held in the basement of a church.... :ill: need I say more?

Haha your nephew sounds awesome, and the pic is all the more proof. How old is he?
Hey awesome that picture turned out ok, it felt like 110 degrees that day. That show went by so fast for some reason, but it lasted all day! what the hell.
It was a heat induced time warp.
Marleah said:
Haha your nephew sounds awesome, and the pic is all the more proof. How old is he?
Sweet Sixteen! After such an awesome trip to Arizona I had to find a way to help him refocus on school/reality. He gets a drum kit for Christmas if he makes straight A's this semester.