Just working on these tracks (not recorded at my place) and the guitars just won't sound decent, because there are three pretty narrow but extreme resonances at 145, 228 and 300Hz.
multiband comp doesn't tame them (I've tried), I've also tried to notch them prior to reamping, and that gave so far the best results.
the problem is, that when I notch them strongly enough to not ring like crazy anymore the guitars become too thin.
they are the worst on palmmutes (so not equally bad all the time) which brought me back to the dynamic approach....the problem with multiband comps etc though is, that they don't work surgical enough, and if I just set it across the range it'll again bee too thin cause the resonant peaks are really extreme (have to notch like 12 dB or so).
I have fuck all idea what went wrong in the recording (with the guitar) , but I have to find a way to make it sound decent now.
any ideas?
Just working on these tracks (not recorded at my place) and the guitars just won't sound decent, because there are three pretty narrow but extreme resonances at 145, 228 and 300Hz.
multiband comp doesn't tame them (I've tried), I've also tried to notch them prior to reamping, and that gave so far the best results.
the problem is, that when I notch them strongly enough to not ring like crazy anymore the guitars become too thin.
they are the worst on palmmutes (so not equally bad all the time) which brought me back to the dynamic approach....the problem with multiband comps etc though is, that they don't work surgical enough, and if I just set it across the range it'll again bee too thin cause the resonant peaks are really extreme (have to notch like 12 dB or so).
I have fuck all idea what went wrong in the recording (with the guitar) , but I have to find a way to make it sound decent now.
any ideas?