Respecting others


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
I don't know why I have to post things like this every few years but....

...if you can't post a reply, or accept people posting things you disagree with, in a way that doesn't involve berating or insulting the crap out of someone - just don't post. I'm seeing an increasing amount of this and getting reports (from all kinds of users) of the way others are treated here. I've seen it myself and privately messaged people in the past about it. It won't be tolerated. I may miss it for a bit, but if I go back and review and you're just being vile to people for the sake of being vile - you'll receive a temp ban. If it is a pattern that continues and you can't respect the simple rules the site has always had, you'll leave me no option but to ban your account. Personally, I'd rather it not come to that, mainly because it is so easily avoidable of a situation.

Enough shit goes on in people's lives and in this world, that the last place anyone should have to be subjected to another user's mouth is on a metal forum. We're all here to share in our love of the genre, and be able to respectfully disagree with one another.
you can ban all us regulars deron but you'll never break our spirit! we'll just move here like everyone else! great to see that forum's still going strong lol
Assumedly that forum is everyone who's been permabanned. They probably made their own shitty forum because they thought rules were stupid and it would become popular.

I've pulled the same stunt.

When I was 12.
I feel like this site has a complicated mythology that I've only been able to gradually piece together over the 8 years I've been here (on and off) from cryptic remarks by the users who have been here the longest. It's like some deep fantasy novel series or something.
a lot of people who posted in GMD also posted on the opeth off topic board just 'cause it was the biggest off topic board on the site (and a lot of us joined the site in the first place through liking opeth), it was kinda like the GMD social forum is now. deron had enough at some point and deleted the board and there was a break away which i linked above.

i posted here a couple more years (on and off between getting banned lol) and then took a hiatus for a few years and came back to a mostly new (and tbh better on average) set of users, but there were a few still around from the old times. the main difference during my first stint was a much greater presence, shitloads of arguments about christian metal and arghoslent and blah blah clogging up the board, more racism, more trolls. shit was really funny sometimes but god it was a clusterfuck. it functioned like a proper board though with new threads for different subjects, none of this autistic generalised thread shit we have now (thanks for nothing VVVVV)
There's a Christian metal argument sort of starting in the black metal thread. It's to do with Christian black metal specifically though, rather than Christian metal on the whole.
it's where the opeth off topic forum moved to after deron deleted it due to shitty behaviour from the likes of, uh, me.

in other news, tech barb has sent me an angry PM on a chess website and asked me to tell deron to go fuck himself for singling him out and asked to have his account deleted.

I was going to say how interesting it was that Deron had to make this type of post only a few weeks after a certain someone started posting again.
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There's a Christian metal argument sort of starting in the black metal thread. It's to do with Christian black metal specifically though, rather than Christian metal on the whole.

Christians are going to rot just like everyone else.
I think SoT was way more scathing than GMD social forum. And yeah, it certainly tested my patience, a little :whistle: :).

Mikael (for those that weren't there) actually posted on the Opeth forum at the time, in varying spurts. He lurked a lot. The nail in the coffin was the post making fun of a friend of his that had passed away, there were some pretty vile users who showed no limits with their posts. "It's just the internet".

To be honest, for the most part I left Opeth/SoT alone because I inherited the site and it's culture. Had I known Mikael himself did not approve of a chunk of the behavior that went on there I would have tried to step in sooner and curb it, but alas...

I will say, the old users that hung there and in the CoB forum... those are the ones that through the years have contacted me the most and either apologized for their "younger" days, or requested post deletions from that time frame. I generally get a kick out of that!
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in other news, tech barb has sent me an angry PM on a chess website and asked me to tell deron to go fuck himself for singling him out and asked to have his account deleted.

I won't open a TB discussion up because I'm sure he's lurking and I don't want to say anything where he can't defend himself but... have I not been the biggest TB PROPONENT of anyone here when it comes to making judgement calls on problem threads/issues/arguments that involved him!? Am I crazy to think that?