retarded americans!!!

Iced Dragon

Stealer of Dreams
Oct 16, 2001
Well, which of your cities, states, inhabitants are Americans' favourite laughing-stock? And why is it so?
Texans? Looking at Bush I'd know why...

Hey, I'm just curious:D

up here in the north we make fun of states like mississippi, alabama, the states full of hillbilly crackers.
Unregistered said:
up here in the north we make fun of states like mississippi, alabama, the states full of hillbilly crackers.

YEah, and down here, we make fun of the stupid cracker fuckers who live in the north, WITH THEIR NOSES Stuck up in the air. You know, the ppl who have to walk around bums, and have to be carefull around the corner so they dont get mugged, cause their too bigga pussies to take up for themselves. Not to mention the stupid way they talk. ANd the way they think they just have it made....when in reality, they dont have JACK SHIT. They live like TURDS in a fucking sewer right on top of each other. They have to pay for their clorox water. They breath the rotten air...and they think its "all good".
why dont you get a name you peice if fucking shit?
to tell the truth, most ppl i know dont say too much bad about other ppl, just cause where they live. Its really lame to do that sort of shit.
BUt bottom line, just like the unregistered joker up there, you can make fun of anything,....
around here all the insults are applied to those from West Virginia.

but you should be laughing at the whole country. I heard French Fries are being renamed to Freedom Fries .....
Yes I do like my Avatar ;)

Yes I'd like a Big Mac, Large Coke and medium Freedom Fries. :p

They are also renaming French Toast - Freedom Toast

Does that make French Kissing - Freedom Kissing :err:
I've never heard anything as retarded as the freedom fries thing in my whole fucking life. Oh yeah let's see, the French government is actually thinking for the first time and not siding up with the US... And the congressmen are so disappointed with the French that they renamed french fries to freedom fries... The whole fucking US government should be gathered up and massively executed... too retarded to be allowed to live.

I refuse to order "Freedom Fries." When I go to a burger joint, I will order "French Fries." If that does work, I will request "Fascism Fries." And if I have particularly stubborn server, I will politely tell them "Get me the fucking fried potatoes, disphit!"

Americans spend a lot more time mocking other countries than they do their own, but the favorite laughingstock here in the Bay ARea right now is probably Texas. I'm sure they mock us right back. It's all in good fun, of least, it is here.
it is pretty sad that so many texans, the prez in particular, say "nucular" instead of how hard is it to say NOO i don't know if that's just a problem in tx or what, put it really pulls my guts.
I make fun of no particular region, but I do make fun of Fundamentalists, "Red-blooded Americans," and anyone who believe God and Bush are two staples of their diet.
Making fun of regions? We Germans also like it, since "german" is a kinda young nationality, while especially older people identify themselves more with their tribes, like Bavarians, "hessen" (the dudes who live on the east side of the rhine, like frankfurt or wiesbaden), or frisians. well, "Ostfriesenwitze" (Eastern-frisian-jokes) are very popular among us..and making fun of the "Hessen" is also very popular in mainz, my hometown, which is located on the western side of the rhine.