Reunion tours are the last card played out bands can play because...


...somewhere after jumping the shark, they lost their integrity.
Really nice way to treat Mr. Bush too.

I can just read the press release:
"You know, Anthrax has always been a band of the fans, by the fans, for the fans! And after recording YOUR tunes on TGOTE, we realized we were missing something. The chemistry of the original line-up. Yes, together with our friend, and yours Sharon Osborne, the ORIGINAL ANTHRAX is coming your way! Joey will be wearing his skintight black Levi 501's, hi-tops, and hat with the bill flipped upward to reveal the word "Injun!" Danny will be wearing clam diggers, and it will be the tour of the summer!
That guy called Anthrax"
so are you the great carnack, or a typical fair weather fan :confused: have you heard the new judas priest cd??? it kicks ass :hotjump: :headbang: and regardless of what you may think, sabbath are metal icons :worship: hey, did you burn your metallica cds when they filed suit against napster???

oh yeah, before i forget...
I gotta say I am really looking forward to this reunion if it does in fact happen. I have been an Anthrax fan since SOE and have bought everything before and after that. While I do love the band with John Bush, my heart still lies with the classic lineup. And I do see a light at the end of the tunnel, Armored Saint can now get back to being a full time band, best of both worlds for me.

Oh and buy Artifacts off joeys site, it kicks ass
TD, I am with you. I stuck with this band because I loved both Anthrax and Armored Saint back in the day. When they combined with John it was a perfect match. How they can pull this off and retain face is a complete mystery to me.

Unless this was John Bush's idea, it is total bullshit.

It doesn't matter, Anthrax hasn't released an album as good as Symbol of Salvation or Revelation, WCFYA was close, and in my opinion the best metal release since...........ah..............Revelation.

Whatever, Fuck It, Who Cares. The fact that I am 35 years old and still give a shit baffles me.
I think the band has held releasing a statement for legitemate reasons (not sure what but I am sure its a good one) ... patience my friends ... patience (say that in a Yoda voice) ... speaking of which just downloaded what I thought was the new Episode 3 trailer only to get some lame ass fanboy piss poor fuct attempt at a trailer... shit.

May the Sauce be with You. Always.
aliasp said:
I think the band has held releasing a statement for legitemate reasons (not sure what but I am sure its a good one) ... patience my friends ... patience (say that in a Yoda voice) ... speaking of which just downloaded what I thought was the new Episode 3 trailer only to get some lame ass fanboy piss poor fuct attempt at a trailer... shit.

May the Sauce be with You. Always.

Wasnt there supposed to be a trailer during the OC or something? Might be a reason to take the TV off mute during the show
I'm a new member to this message board and i've been checking out for the last few weeks and seeing these "reunion tour" posts and what not, and to tell you the truth I feel somewhat betrayed. I mean, I grew up on the Bush era and I've never see 'Thrax live and now that I might have the chance it's not with the Anthrax I grew up with, don't get me wrong i love the Belladonna stuff, ATL was a big thing for me when I first heard it. I'm hoping that this won't end the era of one of my favorite bands.
Serious ... do u buddy?
Ok man ... this little rash I got down here ... what is it?

Damn... unwanted seafood on my todg.... great!
HAHAHA ... BTW I am joking for all you females on this board.

* digs his own grave *