Revalver Tone Help


Let's get digital.
Oct 2, 2008
Detroit, MI
Hello everyone, I am somewhat new to the forum. First and foremost I would like to say this forum has been very informative on a lot of topics for the newbie/beginner home studio engineer. So with that thank you all for your kind contributions.

Onto my quick little question.

I have recently purchased Revalver MKIII and having a nightmare of a time coming up with any great out of the box tones. They either come out too dry or too fizzy. I have got quite a few impulses from this forum, slapped noise gates, compressors, everything I (as far as I know) can think of on my tracks and they still come out very amateur.

I'm looking for any tips from you amazing engineers/musicians out there that could possibly help me improve my tones. Oh, I should also state my signal chain is pretty bland, just my guitar into my interface, since I've noticed a lot of you have used OD and TS pedals, I'm trying to look for a workaround if possible for the time being. Any feedback or suggestions would be great! Thanks again! :rock:
Instead of using a hardware booster, there is a pretty good TS emulation in the Greener module in MKIII. Some people like the Bass Box more, it can go either way depending on taste. Put one of those in front of the amp module and use settings you can find around here to begin with on the Greener module. On the Bass Box you will have to figure it out as I don't know what it is trying to model, if anything. Both can be found under the Stomp menu.

As with almost anything related to "how can I make XXXXXX sound better?", the best thing to do is make a clip of what you have now, and share it with us, including any settings. We can help a LOT more this way. Most of us own MKIII now, including myself, so you can even put the patch up and somebody can try to tweak it for you to get it going. Other info that would help is what guitar/pickups/tuning you are using and what kind of sound you want.

Thanks 006 for responding. I will get to posting a small clip of what I can get so far a little later today. Before I do that, like you stated I will give some information to what I have at my disposal.

Computer: iMac Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz, 4GB DDR2-800 RAM, 250GB 7,200RPM Serial ATA Hard Drive, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

Instrument: Epiphone Prophecy LP Custom EX (EMG 81 & 85), Drop C Tuning

Recording: M-Audio Fast Track Ultra USB, Logic Pro 8, Revalver MKIII, Guitar Rig 3, Every IR from this forum
Hmm it doesn't sound too bad. I would suggest double tracking and panning hard left/right. That's all I can really offer because I don't have revalver yet. Pretty cool tune though.
Thanks for the input MD! I already quad tracked and panned (not hard) decently. The mix is quite the clutterfuck in my opinion since I'm a new to mixing. Anyway I'll try messing with some pan settings a bit more and see what I can come up with.
You're on the right track man. Sounds nice. Maybe a little 'boxy' if you know what I mean.

A lot of people I see on here use cab impulses with ReValver and get some great tones so you might wanna check that out.
the sound of guitars itself is good
but its too mono - wide up the guitars

if its quad - then 100%L 90%L and 90%R 100%R - if you know what i mean