Revealing Dawn - Misguided Light EP (First paid job!)


Nocturnal Dream
Jun 19, 2008
Alpharetta, GA
You guys might remember this contest thread where a shit storm spawned up about how budget the winning prize was to mix 6 songs. Overall I didn't really care, it was perfect for a first mixing job and I gladly accepted when they choose my mix.

Anyways, the job is done now and everything went VERY smoothly. I couldn't be happier working with these guys.

The guys are self-releasing the EP themselves starting on October 30th from what I understand and have already uploaded two of the songs off the EP onto myspace. However, myspace took a shit on my mixes, so I'm just gonna dropbox the 2 songs here so you guys can check it out.

Kingdom of Stone

Misguided Light

All guitars were ampsims(Legion,X30,Burny's TL_IN impulse,Ampeg SVX)
S2.0 for drums
Real violin
and, of course, many thanks to the countless amounts of helpful tips on this forum. :)


I'm open to all or any feedback.