reverb on rhythm guitars - yay or nay?


May 7, 2007
I kinda like a nice dry rhythm sound, but at the same time, I like reverb. But it seems whenever I dial in some reverb for rhythm guitars, it just gets lost in the mix anyway. Should I just leave it out - what do you do - put it in just for the sake of it, even if you can't tell it's there?
See if you have a room verb set up on a bus for drums, send a TINNNY bit of rhythm guitars to it and it'll glue the guits/drums together really well.
See if you have a room verb set up on a bus for drums, send a TINNNY bit of rhythm guitars to it and it'll glue the guits/drums together really well.

this is what helps me also
my method is to pan the left guitars reverb to the right
and the right guitars reverb to the left
Don't like reverb on heavy rhythms, or much reverb anything if it's already a "busy" mix. I prefer delays timed to the track on stuff but not on rhythm guitars.

That being said, I thought of this thread this morning while listening to The Haunted's "Revolver".... I think it's on "All Against All" before the chorus kicks in, but there's nice use of reverb tagged on the end of the guitar riff followed by a reverse verb on the vocal leading in the chorus. Very nice....
i find i need to put a touch of room on the overall guitar give it that bit of air..if its sounding too direct. i use reverb on everything, seriously. drums, bass, guitars, vocals. i use a combination of 3 reverbs..a room, a big as hell one, and a dark plate. usually gives my whole mix that extra bit of 3d ness.

but as you can see alot of people dont need to do this, add it, see if you like it etc. play it in your car and see if it turns out too boxy.