Reverb whilst recording in Pro Tools LE


Noisey B*****d
Dec 5, 2005
Here's a great tip from Brendo over at the womb on how to have reverb on a vocal or whatever, whilst recording in LE: If you wanna use reverb while tracking on LE at Low Latency Moniotoring.

1) Set up an aux input, use the same input as for your vocal.
2) Choose a buss, e.g. "Bus 1" as the output of this aux.
3) Set up another aux with "Bus 1" set as its input and insert a reverb here.

When asked about the second Aux Brendo said: Cause in PT LE you can't use plugins or sends on an armed track or Aux input that has a hardware input assigned when you're in Low Latency Monitoring mode.

Good one Brendo :headbang:

Are u guys setting up your cue mixes this way??