Review in City Weekly


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Here's a copy of a review that appeared in our local independant newspaper, The City Weekly. the review was done by Bill Frost, a well known music enthusiast in Utah, however, his reviews are always a bit "unique". and it's hard to tell where he's going with it, is he sarcastic? serious?.... ah hell, it's all in fun I'm sure!

I know one thing, this is the first time this particular non-metal publication has even acknowlaged our existance.... so something must be happening locally.... which is a first for us.


Review By: Bill Frost, Utah, USA

By the beard of Zeus! Katagory V are so serious about their metal, they’re damned near European! Over-the-top vocals, squealing twin-guitar harmonies, ominous double-kick/bass rumbling, extra-long songs about pain, death and painful death—A New Breed of Rebellion has it all. Euro-metal isn’t for the timid, and Katagory V wisely take it to the extreme with a zero-compromise attitude that, even in a metal-resurgent climate, is admirable on this side of the Atlantic. Book that Norwegian tour now. (
...I got an email from Bill regarding my coomments here, and he says that his review is genuine. Now, don't get me wrong, I never doubted it was, but your reaction, Mr. Luna, was what I was implying to.:Spin: :D

Needless to say, I am still thrilled Bill enjoyed the abum as much as he did, and everyone in the band was blown away that he got it in the SL Weekly. :worship:

I think the line "by the beard of Zues!" was the best part.... becasue it was refering to me personally... since I have a Zues-like beard. well... at least my ego wants to think that. :lol:

It will be intersting to see what Bill think of album #3 this year. :headbang:

Bill, if your reading this... I was told by our guitarst, Curtis, that he also recorded small project of your many moons ago... damn, this IS a smalll world!!! :loco:
