Review my song please !

Not bad per se, but I heard it a zillion times before, and that's the main problem with melo-death metal ( and why it suck so much). But I love the part around 3:50! So yeah, otherwise, I hate this genre so I find your song quite boring. And cut down the gain, godammit!

Quality 8:
Pretty good quality! Not perfect but pretty nice man. I don't really like the guitar tone though.

Riffing 9:
That kind of riffing just blows me away....really nice! Keep at it! Nice playing too.

Leads and solos 10:
You play very clean and have great melodies!

Overall song 9:
I really like it! It's catchy.

Originality 6:
It's not like it has not been done before. Good song nevertheless!

Well thank you very much guys ! Every review, bad or good, is useful !
I know that we didnt reinvent the wheel, we just merged all our influences (well i should say that I merged my influences lol, as I'm the writer in this band) and it gave that song.

The guitar tone could be better I agree, but as we recorded in a pro-studio with an hourly-rate, we rushed some details.
i'd say quit the this name :p sound too much fashion(emo/nu/metalcore) small phrases like that

sounds weird without vocals. but i think its catchy like phenom said, but i would enjoy more if was a bit faster
i'd say quit the this band name :p sound too much fashion(emo/nu/metalcore) small phrases like that

sounds weird without vocals. but i think its catchy like phenom said, but i would enjoy more if was a bit faster

English, mother fucker, do youy speak it?
Any other review ?

(I didnt get that "english" thing going on btw...guess I'm too n00b to understand hehe !)

I think he just thought vikk's post had bad grammar. I am suprised he didn't think i had :lol: would not happen to be listening to Parkway Drive? Some of the riffs reminded me of them a tiny weezy bit. :heh:
I like it especially at 2:00 - 2:20. To have ideas for new songs you can listen to Oh, Sleeper , Eternal Lord: and Unite & Conquer (good hardcore band)

Si tu veux et si tu as du temps, dit moi si tu a aimé les bands que j'tai mis en link :p
What kind of vocals you want? Clean, hardcore, melodic, harsh, guttural (i don't think so but hahaha)

What kind of music you want to do? More rock, metal or ''core''?

haha I'm curious

and what is nice in hardcore/deathcore stuff are sweep pickings, dissonance, and specially breakdowns haha
Tornado of Souls much? ;) (solo section)

That's not how English is spoken. :confused:

Indeed, I can't deny the Tornado spirit in the solo, it simply happened like that !

No, the lyrics go: Drown in before you dive in Are You Dead Yet?

Seriously fix the band name and I'll gladly listen to the song, I'm sure it's awesome.

haha come on dude ! listen to it !
I like it especially at 2:00 - 2:20. To have ideas for new songs you can listen to Oh, Sleeper , Eternal Lord: and Unite & Conquer (good hardcore band)

Si tu veux et si tu as du temps, dit moi si tu a aimé les bands que j'tai mis en link :p
What kind of vocals you want? Clean, hardcore, melodic, harsh, guttural (i don't think so but hahaha)

What kind of music you want to do? More rock, metal or ''core''?

haha I'm curious

and what is nice in hardcore/deathcore stuff are sweep pickings, dissonance, and specially breakdowns haha

I heard of Oh Sleeper, our drummer is a big fan (he's a fan also of Parkway Drive, mentioned above). I'll check out the 2 other bands and I'll get back to you !

I dont want to be labeled, but simply metal would suit me. And the singer we're looking for should sound a bit like In Flames or Unearth (i know that both singers dont have the same range) and if he can sing some clean sections, that would be a plus ! I guess the vocal will define how we'll be soon as there's a singed chorus in an metal/hardcore song, it's considered metalcore or
over all nice song, the part where its metal core or how ever this style is called where the vocals supposed to be i assume i didn't like.
the tone could be better mixed but ok you said you were in rush its understandable
dude i would recommend to go with clean, aggressive don't really know how to describe it. vocals like:
pantera, fear factory, maybe even opeth
but NOT any of this emo core whipping from rough period cunt type of vocals.