Review Of download festival

This is where I've been and preparing for, for the past few days.

Lineup overall wasn't great but there were a few bands worth watching.(It was £30... worth a look)

Arch Enemy
3 Colours Red
Marilyn Manson
Iron Maiden

AE were good. Damn Good. Only a 25 minute set but closed with Ravenous and they fucking ruled the second stage till 3CR. Good sound, happy crowd, overall 8/10.Mainly beacuse they're new to me. If I knew more songs then it would be 9-10/10.

3CR- How the fuck the got on the bill I don't know. Halfway up the second stage and the crowd loved them. Good songs. Some new stuff. Made freinds here. 9/10 because pete told a joke and got the punchline wrong. Fucktard. But still a cool guy (CHROMATOSE- If you like the 'hearts, check These out:cool:)

MINISTRY- The band I came for. Main stage. 40 minute set. Came on 10 mins late so they played an extra 15.:) Set list- (not in order, some gaps)- Psalm 69, Bad Blood(superb) Just one fix, Hero, NWO, Theives. There were a couple more. Overall 9/10. Would be 10 but The sound tech was pissed or hiigh or just a fucktard and the levels occasionaly shot around and went nearly silent. Fool. Made many freinds here.BTW-If anyone gets a video of this watch Al's dance during the "Fire!/Blashemper/Praise jesus parts of Psalm 69.... Very classy.

Mariyln Manson- now the sound tech was just taking the piss. Levels all over the place. Basically still just a stage show but fairly amusing. Came on 40 mins late, bottle fight in the pit got quite violent. Set list was about 2/3 new stuff and the drummer looked like a freind of mine. 5/10 for the sound tech, not playing any of the old good stuff(flame away)

Iron Maiden. Heard them on record. Seen them live. Still don't understand the fuss.Still had the shitty sound tech. nearly couldn't hear them at some points. Can't be arsed typing much more so 6/10. They tried hard and did a big encore, but I just don't like em.

And I'm spent.
Just remember Penguin, the man doesn't much care for Maiden, so isn't the ideal judge. See what a real Maiden fan said about it, probably get the response more suited to how it'll be for your tastes.
I heard something about Metallica doing an unannounced appearance in the festival.... hm?