Review of: In FLames - "Reroute to Remain"

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Here is my "review." I dont like song for song reviews, so I will just do the album as a whole. Yes, Ive listened to the entire album this afternoon and here are my thoughts:

Basically, this album is for In Flames what NBC was for Soilwork. It's dominated by vocals and there is a major lack of guitar emphasis, which really sucks considering that's what this band excells at. There are hardly any solos, and any melodic riffs or leads, but there happen to be "catchy" choruses in almost every song. Think of it as an entire album of "Pinball Map" type songs, but none of the new songs have a chorus even close to as catchy as that treat from Clayman. While these types of songs are cool every now and then, there shouldnt be as many on the album as there are. Not for In Flames. Theyre much too talented to do that kind of stuff.

I have to admit I do like how the vast majority of the songs are fast and heavy...I had a small feeling they'd have some nu-metalish songs, but they really dont except for the title track. It's a good song, but that riff is pretty basic...if youve heard it, you know what I mean. But, like I said, more or less, dont worry about it being/sounding "nu-metal" because it doesnt.

The main thing that scares me and I can say honestly disappoints me is the fact that, to my ears, there arent really any "stand out songs." No Zombie Inc's or Ordinary Story type songs. No Jotun's or Gyroscope. I mean, virtually all the songs, in one way or another sound the same. Also, the 14 songs is much too many, as some of them are clearly rushed and half assed.

Yet another thing that really gets me mad is the lack of the acoustic elements in the album. There are one or two acoustic songs, but again, the band concentrates on the vocals even in these songs MUCH more than they do on the guitar melodies. No Pallers Anders Visa's on this album at all.

I dont understand why bands do this, I honestly dont. Im not a musician, but seriously...I dont get it. Im sure being in a band like this, they want to explore new areas and try new ideas. Maybe one or two songs for experimental puropses, but not an entire fucking album full of songs that stray so far from their roots it's disgraceful. Clayman atleast had songs like Bullet Ride and Swim that were infact, guitar dominated songs with TONS of melody. I say again, the lack of melody on this album is my biggest gripe. I'll put it like this: The concern and concentration of guitar melodies that should have been the focus for this album (as with every IF album IMO) was completely substituted and replaced by new attempts at vocal melodies that should always play a small role for this fucking band! This is a guitar dominated band, not a vocally dominated band. Im sure Anders wants to "express himself" and "grow" as a musician, but lets face it. His singing sucks, and his screaming rules. They shouldnt have tried to fuck around with the vocals in every song and ditch out on guitar.

That is the name of the game with In Flames: LIVE BY THE GUITAR, DIE BY THE GUITAR. Always has been and always will be.

As I look at it from a fans point of view, I already know this is the album I will like the least. And not really liking one album out of the 5 I have isn't bad. But it's the direction theyre taking with this album that really kills me. I do have faith that maybe when they do the next effort they'll listen to previous releases and realize they forgot why they had such an cult following to begin with...being a melodic death band, they got rid of the "death" aspect eventually, no big deal, but now it seems that theyve forgotten the "melodic" aspect as well.

Melody in guitars, not vocals! Jesus Im mad.

Overall, if this was any other band Id say it's solid...8/10. For In Flames, being a long time fan I rate this as a 6/10.

Sorry to say.
Excellent review, and thanks for sharing your thoughts. I will, of course, by it anyway simply because these bands need support and extreme/underground metal needs support. I hope I'm not alone in wanting this music to be more well-known...

And all you had to do was compare "Reroute..." to NBC to scare Dreamlord away! :lol:
this review is depressing
Too bad they couldn't do the tours they get now back in their early and inspiring days...
Ive listened a few more times, and it sounds a little better. The songs I like, I admit I really do like...but I just like them for a different reason than what I should like an In Flames song for...and it's a weird feeling.
I *have* heard this album gets better with each listen, save for a couple stinkers. Since no one likes me enough to get me an advanced copy :( I'll just wait. Only a couple stinkers I can live with anyways....
Come one guys...r u trying to say to me that ur not going to get an In Flames what its 6/10...i know thats really bad since in flames should always get a 10/10 but the album IS going to be different then the downloads...always is...always will be...u guys will see...once that album comes out there will be 10/10's everywhere u please dont give up so easily!
10/10, I don't think so. Over at the SSmT forum, some reviewers have said it sounds too nu, so we will see. Another person at the SSmT forum said it sounds similar to Soilwork's NBC....*goes to hurl*
I'm going to buy the album and support one of my favorite bands. I'm not an immature, greedy, not-loyal music fan. I've been with In Flames since the Clayman days, and even though that was only one album ago, it's still two years of support through live shows and album purchases. I'll buy the album no matter what because they deserve it. I just think the new album isnt that good. Not compared to the others.
I don't buy albums out of support for a band. I buy them because I like the music. What's the point of buying an album if it's just gong to collect dust?
I don't buy albums out of support for a band. I buy them because I like the music. What's the point of buying an album if it's just gong to collect dust?

Well, I guess as music fans that's where we differ.

I buy first and foremost because I want the album, that's obvious. But I also buy to support bands if they need it, and 95% of the bands I listen to are underground bands that need, and in my view deserve support. I like the new In Flames enough to buy it, simple as that. If they released a rap/hip-hop album, I wouldnt buy it...but R2R I will buy.
Great review indeed!
You really got the guitar melodies which was IF music core.

But personally i wont buy the album, since music has always been the main reason for buying an album, vocals in second... (but i admit it's still an important factor). Always praised In Flames guitar style but now all of this is mostly gone, hope like Devy_metal said that they'll realize whats missing for the next release...

It's really sad...
Originally posted by markgugs
Excellent review, and thanks for sharing your thoughts. I will, of course, by it anyway simply because these bands need support and extreme/underground metal needs support. I hope I'm not alone in wanting this music to be more well-known...

And all you had to do was compare "Reroute..." to NBC to scare Dreamlord away! :lol:

the band needs support? underground metal? even my little sister knows in flames and since they really want to be played on mtv i can´t count them as underground metal. if they play jazz or folk on their next album, will you still buy it because its in flames?
Dark Tranquility - Damage Done is a worthy alternative to In Flames! Although I haven't heard reroute yet...

I have to say the more I listen to Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos the more I love it. But It still has quite an emphasis on guitars. just a more simplistic approach.

I have major inhibitions about reroute after reading this thread, I mean, im all for a change and progression, but there should be a balance. Like someone earlier in the thread said, about doing a couple of experimental songs and touch some new ground, but not the entire album.

What is it that makes these bands get "softer"?

other alternatives

Dimension Zero - Silent Night Fever
Enter My Silence - Remore Controlled Scythe (MELODIC METAL FANS CHECK THIS OUT)