In Flames - Reroute to Remain

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
In Flames
Reroute to Remain
Nuclear Blast
by Nathan Pearce

If In Flames fans didn’t see this album coming, they didn’t listen to Clayman and they didn’t pay attention to the major touring the band has been adding to their list of high profile appearances. In Flames have progressed from a guitar driven melodic-death metal band to a vocal driven melodic-death metal band. Each and every song on this album has what I like to call ‘The Magnificent Chorus’. What I’m referring to is the way each song goes from a short verse, a short guitar melody, or a short catchy guitar riff to a big magnificent chorus.

In Flames would have to totally change personnel to totally rid themselves of the cool twin guitar melodies of past fame. The guitar melodies are just as catchy and just as fun to hum along to, but they do take a back seat to the vocals. The band has also managed to keep the speed intact most of the time as well. With the exception of a few songs (especially the ballads “Dawn of a New Day” and “Metaphor”), most songs are very reminiscent of a progression In Flames has taken over the past couple of albums. Is this a bad thing? Depends on how conservative a listener you are.

While In Flames has chosen to incorporate new sounds and styles into their music (electronics, ballads, and clean vocals), the core sound of the past still permeates enough to challenge most listeners of the past. Album highlights are probably harder to pick out than on any other In Flames album. “Reroute to Remain”, “System”, and “Minus” seem to catch my attention the most, but every song has a place on this album. That is something that couldn’t be said about past albums. While each song might not be a favorite, they all seem to flow cohesively.

For anybody afraid of change, approach Reroute to Remain cautiously. However, if you believe a band has the right to distance themselves from a stagnating metal sub-genre, this album could easily leave a positive impression.
It's not a nu-metal album, I reckon. But in any case, beyond labels and shit, it's a great release. It's catchy without being 'the easy way' for the band and above all, reflects how In Flames have progressed from one album to the next one, being capable of maintaining their personality, at the same time.

I really like this new In Flames album. Maybe it's because I listen to a lot of bands who are really melodic like In Flames is on that album. I like their old stuff and new stuff, and I don't see it as a bad thing that they changed this last album.
I like the new album also, they create a new sound, but please don´t call the band "sellouts" or nu-metal sound, show some respect for them, they are one of best band coming from sweden.
Wow, In Flames nu-metal(mallcore):( no that a can't be!! At lest I HOPE NOT. i utterly abhor mallcore:mad: !! But i doubt In Flames ability to disapoint in fact they don't have that ability. I haven't heard the new album yet but am almost completely sure ,because of past releases, that the new album will have no trouble in blowing me away just as their other albums have.
Great album, so what if tey are changeing, they aren't Nu-metal even if they tour with Mudvayne or Slipknot, so the chorus' are mincy, so what! Its a fun album, not as watered down as Soilwork and easier to get into than DT's newest (tho DD is a great album)
I'm all about a band progressing and changing, but only for the better. In my opinion, as Nathan pointed out, this is a vocal driven release. However, I really don't think that he is a vocalist with a strong enough voice to warrant this. His cleaner vocals at times are very weak sounding, and are often misplaced. Also, even the most enjoyable moments of the album are too often cut short by inconsistent song writing, or poor vocal choices. Again, that's just my opinion.
Christ Almighty....... How on earth could anyone NOT call Reroute To Remain nu-metal? With most of their songs, there is ZERO talent displayed. In numerous songs, they only play a few chords for the song, while Anders makes a lousy attempt to sing. It is a true shame that the band that was known for NOT being vocals based has lost its rep. Sadly, they seem to have lost their spark in writing, and I do not see them getting any better anytime soon. The IN FLAMES we all know and love has become a memory, and the new IN FLAMES is just a crappy nu-metal band. They should just stop now before they get even farther behind. Doing shows with SLIPKNOT and MUDVAYNE???? WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH THEM????

"Have we lost a spark or a guide?" -Trigger
-My Answer: Both-
I feel that youre being both overly dramatic and misguided there Jimmytheteeth. In Flames are Nu Metal? - for crying out loud! It's not even worth debating.
Touring with bands with a higher profile is certainly not a crime. Surely it's just a means of getting heard by more people. It's hardly selling out.

They are a great band that's too good to be churning out repeats of the same album but that seems to be exactly what a section of their so called fan base expect. No, Reroute to Remain is not their best album but it's still a good one and it's not like they have suddenly become another band. They are developing and moving on. Maybe it's time some of the fans did too.
Nu metal my hole. Nothing Nu Metal about it apart from that it's sales probably done better and it has a different sound. OOohh, *so nu metal*.
all i can say is this album fucking SUCKED dick compared to their previous albums. This was like listening to them hit rock bottom whatta piece
If this band are going to go to the next level they will inevitably lose the parts of their fanbase who cannot accept their changes. The kind of people who think there's nothing wrong with Deicide's output in the last ten years aren't the kind of people who want to see their favourite band's album in Walmart. On some levels that's in keeping with the spirit of the underground but you cannot be a sellout if you are doing what you want to do. You are a sellout if you do what others want you to.
Although R2R is a good album it cannot possibly live up to its predecessor's but if you turn a blind eye to The Jester Race and the like you will find an enjoyable album with some nice arrangements and a huge improvements in the vocals. Although i wish the songs could have been a bit more guitar driven as well as mix in Anders IMO great melodic vox. The ballad Dawn of a New Day is very cool approach to the ballad type song screaming vox over acoustic works well here.

Good album, very accessable but of course not as great as their previous works.