Spiritual Black Dimension

New Metal Member
Jul 21, 2002
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I've listened to Reroute to remain....TOTALLY HORRIBLE !!! something i've never thought to listen....and i am a great in flames' fan !! it sucks a lot ! it's like to listen to something from slipknot or p.o.d. !! filthy nu metal !! we will see in flames on mtv with other pop freaks! i think it's a useless album...i'll save my money for something really good like Dark Tranquillity's Damage Done...
No, no... you misunderstood me. :p

I didn't mean that they genre's dying... just that its about to become far more popular, and with the bands I listed getting mainstream attention, we're watching a new 'trend' (*washes mouth out with soap*) its its foetal stage. Hell, they sell Opeth shirts in Hot Topic now. :eek:

Sure, it'd piss me off to see all the current nu-metal kiddies in In Flames shirts, but I don't see that as being too far off. (Don't see this as a comparison between nu-metal and melo-death). Plus, I'd rather see In Flames/Soilwork/Arch Enemy getting attention than KoRn and Disturbed. :lol:
I fully agree with both Spiritual Black Dimension and The Deathrace King. I think In Flames have hit an all-time low with this album. I've been a long time In Flames fan, and it just appalls me to see how far they've fallen since The Jester Race. I can't even believe that this is the same band that created that masterpiece.

I've listened to Reroute to Remain 2 times (the 2nd time to give it a chance to redeem itself, but didn't work), and have absolutely no urge to listen to it again. At least Clayman had a few redeeming tracks. This new one is just horrible. The 5 or so friends I've talked to about it also agree that it sucks.

R.I.P. In Flames, I won't support this album.


About Dark Tranquillity, I'm glad that they had the sense to return to their roots and learned from their mistakes on Projector and Haven. I can only hope that In Flames will also learn and follow Dark Tranquillity back to their original sound...
The Deathrace King,

I'd rather see In Flames buried than to put out another crappy album of this type. I'd like to remember them for creating the kickass masterpiece "The Jester Race" than to have nu-metal kiddies worshipping them for "Reroute to Remain".

I can also see the possibility you spoke of, seeing melo-death go mainstream because a lot bands have been "softening" their sound lately. I sincerely hope it doesn't happen, but I admit it certainly looks possible. Opeth shirts in Hot Topic! The world must be ending.
who gives a fuck who likes what. If the music is good so what. Stop your bitching. If a good band sells good fro them. Opeth trendy...fucking morons. Opeth are the BEST musicians in metal. If the new in flames sound sucks and changed then by all mean bitch. But if simple minded people can appreciate the new arch enemy or soilwork than i think its great. Because the bands will get more funding to do what they fo better. Listen to grindcore if you want music that will never get a fanbase. They suck it isn't music. Worry about what feels right to you. not what others think of it or how stupid the people in the band are.
Im sick of this whining. Quit your girly bitching or at least bring it to a forum where i don't have to see your lack of intelligence. Appreciate music for what it is.
SADUDE - I was right with you up until you said about grindcore 'they suck it isn't music'. Really? The melo-death template was more or less set by Carcass' last two releases, and they started off as extremely heavy grindcore. Grindcore (when it's done properly) can be extremely technical, intricate music. Sure, there are sloppy, no-talent gore-grind bands who favour volume over talent, but sloppy musicians exist in all genres of metal, not just grindcore...
Why are so many metal fans completely arrogant!!

Stop whinging you fools. Enjoy music for what it is:music. Just because a "kiddie" wears an Opeth shirt why is that a bad thing. Why complain about bands not getting enough attention and then when they do whine about it. So many metal fans are snobs, not wanting their scene "impurified" or whatever. Talk about bullshit. Grrr:grin:

[Edit:I had not read SADUDES post before but that is the sort of thing I'm getting at.]

Have you heard the new In Flames? It sounds like you haven't because you would know that they most defintely have changed since their last album. And that's why I'm bitching, because it's SHIT compared to even Clayman, which I thought was bad to begin with.

I agree with you, Opeth rock, but they aren't changing their music to try and sell more albums to a certain crowd like In Flames is. In Flames has changed their sound so drastically that its obvious they're trying to reach a new audience. And who is that audience? The mainstream. If In Flames would rather make music for the mainstream than for the fans that have gotten them to where they are, then I say screw 'em, I won't support them any more.

I could care less if they catered to the mainstream if their music was just as good as previous albums, but it isn't. It's utter crap compared to what they used to create. And that is why I'm here

EDIT (After reading 2 posts above): I don't really care who's into the band, who wears their shirts or whatever. If my mother were into them, I'd say cool. What I am against is when the audience starts to affect what the band creates, as this is clearly the case. Opeth do what they do, no matter who listens to them. The same can't be said for In Flames...
*reviews post*

I'm apparantly blind, as I cannot see one instance of whining.

Opeth is my favorite metal band... and as long as their music stays so remarkable, they will BE my favorite metal band.

There were probably more retarded statements in your post to respond to, but you sound like a 7 year old, so I really don't think you're worth my time. :rolleyes:
The whining came in the form of complaining about finding Opeth and Emperor shirts in certain "popular" stores. That's where Deathrace King.

I'm don't see the point in bashing In Flames. Everybody knew this album would sound like this; don't deny it. The popular thing to do is to complain about the new In Flames album. Everybody act like In Flames are big sell outs because anybody underground better not like them now. Is that the attitude we should all have? Just let them do their thing. You can't call the new album nu-metal. If you do, you don't know what you're talking about.

Anyway . . . if you don't like a certain album or song or band, don't listen to it. It's good that you're getting your opinion out there, but this whole everybody-needs-to-hate-In-Flames-because-they-sold-out band wagon is getting old.
Originally posted by exorial

Have you heard the new In Flames? It sounds like you haven't because you would know that they most defintely have changed since their last album. And that's why I'm bitching, because it's SHIT compared to even Clayman, which I thought was bad to begin with.

I agree with you, Opeth rock, but they aren't changing their music to try and sell more albums to a certain crowd like In Flames is. In Flames has changed their sound so drastically that its obvious they're trying to reach a new audience. And who is that audience? The mainstream. If In Flames would rather make music for the mainstream than for the fans that have gotten them to where they are, then I say screw 'em, I won't support them any more.

I could care less if they catered to the mainstream if their music was just as good as previous albums, but it isn't. It's utter crap compared to what they used to create. And that is why I'm here

EDIT (After reading 2 posts above): I don't really care who's into the band, who wears their shirts or whatever. If my mother were into them, I'd say cool. What I am against is when the audience starts to affect what the band creates, as this is clearly the case. Opeth do what they do, no matter who listens to them. The same can't be said for In Flames...

After you restated and clarified your opinions I can agree with you. I think your first post gives a bad interpretation of your opinions. But no I haven't heard the new in flames and I hope it isnt as bad as people have been saying. I like Clayman. But too each his own. From what I've heard this is a completely different beast than clayman. If the band negelects its original fan base to get a new one they are assholes, sell outs etc. Metallica suck as people but that is NO reason to
discard the fact their first 3 albums are milestones in metal evolution. But its retarded when people turn on bands just because they saw the fat kid with blue spiked hair at the mall wearing the shirt.
We don't have to prove anything to you. You could prove you have more than two brain cells by learning to type and stop promoting silly band like Dimmu.
phyre, you're out of line. Everyone's opinions are equally worthy, someone's opinion is not invalidated because their musical tastes are different to yours. I'm not a particularly huge Dimmu fan myself, but I'll never claim that someone who is doesn't have an opinion worth listening to because of it.
This is gradually turning into an elitist bitching thread, and I got sick of seeing those a long time ago...