Reroute To Remain

I like Reroute.
At first I didnt think much off it, Didnt really care, and prefered older stuff ofcourse. I actually gave it a big listen to and to be honest I think its better than a lot of bands that are getting big and are big's attempt at albums. Ofcourse I dont want to see the band stay in that direction, but for a band that is goin through the phase of experimenting its not that bad.

If they stay in the direction of Watch them Feed and Land of confusion, mixed with a riff like December Flower, then we have got ourselves once again an amazing band.
granted that in flames dictates how they play their instruments, and granted that if they want to tour with such inferior beings like f%ckknot and $hitvayne and play a supporting role for them, that's their problem. like with metallica, what i would suggest to everybody is that instead of focusing on calling them "sellouts", i would just leave it at "it sucks", and redirect your focus as well as ::::::takes out leather pouch with chain on it:::::: your wallet and spend on bands that deserve it more and have more talent and drive than what the current in flames has to offer.

plus, in regards to R2R, i would like to say that this is the beginning of the ending, welcome to mtv in flames. may your lives be changed forever to being slaves to the jews.
When I first got the album, I kind of had the ehh.... it's ok feeling. But now I really love the album. I guess the riffs really appeal to me for some reason. Not anymore so than past albums, but just about as much.
Steve420 said:
The vocals are good, but not nearly as good as the rest of IF's.


I mean vocals on chorus are "yuk". Anders should growl in the way he did on Whoracle. Why they mixed the Anders voice with the computer?!
for the record, i have been a huge fan of in flames for many years, and i owe them alot for introducing me to REAL METAL (jester race was my first experience), but r2r was just horrendous. i have enjoyed and respected all of their albums including clayman and colony, but r2r was just terrible. personally, i won't be looking forward to the next album with high anticipation like i wanted to. and as a sidenote, that pic with in flames and metallica freaked me out royally.
Steve420 said:
what pic?

this one.


this pic is such an atrocity to Metal.