Reroute To Remain

I don't really like the music, the lyrics are cool, but those clean vocals are SOO bad. I heard Passenger the other day and Fridens clean vocals are actually decent on there.. what went so horribly wrong with R2R?
i dont like it, i can live with colony/clayman they aren't too bad, some songs are excellent to me. Though none can compare to whoreacle/jester, they are both good discs. But reroute just made me wanna hurl. Cloud Connected i like but the rest, except the first track(dont remember) are crapola.
I know there's a lot of people that hate the album , but actually it's my favourite, I don't know why but is just the way this album makes me feel and I find something special on each song( except transparent ).
Just wanted to say that

I like
Hmmm only a couple songs that have really stuck with me

Not even in the same league as the other In Flames albums imo ! But still an okay record
Huge dissapointment in my book, way to much focus on clean vocals that arent even good enough to warrant such a focus change.

Strangely enough the more experimental or poppy songs I enjoy more than the so-called "typical In Flames songs (i.e Dismiss the Cynics, Dark Signs, Minus). I actually enjoy Cloud Connected, System, Free Fall, and Metaphor. The former songs just seem like rehashes meant to please the old fans...

Overall, In Flames has lost something and I dont see them returning to former glory.
Actualy I dislike this album... I agree that it's one step forward of In Flames but I loke their earlier albums... Even Colony and Clayman soud better to me... I want to believe that their next album will be better...
the case against:

- the vocals are awful. it's not because of all the clean singing, but the sound of it all is just terrible. it seems like half the time there are 3 or 4 vocal tracks all mixed together by a 7-y-o boy.

- the ideas are worn and stereotyped. again, i'm not complaining about any genre influence: a good record is a good record regardless of the style. but i had already heard the sound on r2r a thousand times before, and i've heard it another three thousand times since. it's just stale. changing from the old to the even older is not a very interesting idea.

- the songs are undistinguishable from tracks on clayman, only with a different approach to them. there are almost no new ideas at all.

the case pro:

- metaphor. god, i love that song. :)

I love R2R. I love all the CD's. Sure, the sound definately has changed- but I think it's good that the band are willing to put their necks out to take the music where THEY want it to go. All the albums are brilliant, The Jester Race and Clayman more so. I think their next will be heavier, and then everyone will forgive them. Although I personally dont think we have anything to forgive them for.
My only disappointment was that they tried to make too many songs, any album over 11 or 12 tracks tends to drag on for me. Track 14 is probably the worst song. Nonetheless, it's a pretty good album.
Metal7 said:
My only disappointment was that they tried to make too many songs, any album over 11 or 12 tracks tends to drag on for me. Track 14 is probably the worst song. Nonetheless, it's a pretty good album.

good point, I think this is a huge problem with the album. I actually think it couldve been a lot better if the fat was trimmed, get rid of Transparent and 3 or 4 other tracks and the CD might be abit bearable.

But damn...Clayman even kills R2R, I get sad everytime I heard Bullet Ride or something and think of how god damn good the production used to be :cry:

yeah they said for r2r they wanted a more muddy production, with the guitars sounding less clean and stuff. wtf??? thats one of the things i love about some of their other albums.....but anyway, i think r2r is pretty good, although for in flames it is not very good. But sometiems I feel glad they released it, because I think OVERALL, it's not too much like any other bands, and I'm glad to have an album of a different style than other cd's I have to listen to and like.
i dont think it's very good. i wouldnt have payed for it if i had heard it first probably, but im glad i did support them still... the problem for me, anyway, is there's too much crummy singing and not enough good guitars, i dont appreciate the change i guess
DrBell said:
yeah they said for r2r they wanted a more muddy production, with the guitars sounding less clean and stuff. wtf??? thats one of the things i love about some of their other albums.....but anyway, i think r2r is pretty good, although for in flames it is not very good. But sometiems I feel glad they released it, because I think OVERALL, it's not too much like any other bands, and I'm glad to have an album of a different style than other cd's I have to listen to and like.

hey Bell, you registered way back when! where the hell you been hiding? :p