Reroute To Remain

Cool, hopefully this remains our one and only R2R thread...

Anyway, I think the album is a really exceptional effort. It's got a huge amount of feeling from headman Anders Friden, and even though the guitars have been dumbed down a bit from what everyone is used to, they're still very effective and melodic...

It's a fantastic album, although I do hope their next release is a tad more melodic. Hopefully Anders keeps with the clean vocals every now and then as well, I thought they were a great touch to the album.
When I first went to get an In Flames album they had R2R at the listening station. I thought it was pretty great, and was wondering why everyone was giving it such a negative feedback. I didn't buy it cause I was told by someone to start at Colony first.
Colony is such a great album. :rock: I got R2R for x-mas and realized then just why everyone was bitching about it. It just doesn't compare. There were some great Meldolic touches that Colony had and R2R lacked. Cloud Connected and the 2 or 3 song from the end are horrible.
I like it. It's very different and altough it took me some while to digest it and really appreciate it, I took the album for what it is. I still have some concerns about the production since it's nothing compared to the rest of the albums. Clayman has this perfect christal sound I miss on R2R.
If the band decides to go in the vein of R2R on the next album I just hope they skip Daniel Bergstrand and return to Studio Fredman
Final_Vision said:
hey Bell, you registered way back when! where the hell you been hiding? /forum/images/smilies/tongue.gif

hey man...I first regiestered a couple years ago to talk about the opeth/nevermore tour that was in the states then. Then I didn't come for a long time..then I started coming some to find out more out Progpower USA last year. A couple months ago I started frequenting these forums more often, but usually it only lasts a couple weeks in a row. But I usually come back nowadays. And I love In Flames so much that if this board works out well I will definately keep coming back as I also really like the ultimate metal board format and how there are so many bands here. :cool:
ahhhhhhhh ok, just curious since you registered in May 2001 and only had 129 posts, seemed kinda odd /forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif
For me R2R wasn't a dissappointment at all, it just seemed like the next logical step from Clayman, which I wasn't too impressed by. I suppose I didn't have such high expectations as most people did, and once I got over those vocals on 'System' I actually got to really like it. It definately doesn't have the staying power of a Whoracle, Jester Race, or even Colony, though. It's just kinda 'there' in my CD collection.
i think its ok but not as an inflames album. Its just too..tame and commercial sounding. On say jester race there were tracks that stood out as being works of genius but on r2r there are tracks that stand out as being chart singles. Anyone else get what im saying?
Yeah, i see what you're saying. RTR is very commercialized towards getting recognized. The only thing I'm concerned about is the music though. If the music is good, the rest really doesn't matter to me.
I dont actually mind the album, I dont find it that bad, some songs are very addictive, and well.. I just like it, not as much as Jester Race or Whoracle and the others, but I still think its better than half the shit out there today, I'm behind the band experimenting with different styles.
Clayman is their best album. It has the most precise and catchy song writing, good lyrics, variety, and vibe out of all their records. I stopped listening to In Flames for a while, although they are one of my favorite bands, and decided that TJR isn't all it's made out to be... In Flames has a tendency of making all their live songs good, regardless of previous styles and albums. Clayman and Artifacts have the same tone and vocal sound obviously since it's the same gear and voice, Reroute to Remain was really disappointing in most areas, however... still good when youre in that phase.
The album is ok ... the mediocre clean vocals kills it a bit but it has some great songs ... but also has mediocre songs ... what were they thinking when they wrote transparent (slipknot ?!?!?)
RTR is the worst they could do. I was so disapointed, when I heard it. I don't like that mixed sound of Anders singing and there aren't any good melodies.


And yes, Colony is their best album.
LordHypnos said:
ditto...and i TOO am being serious. long live R2R - best IF album to date.

I don't know how can you say that. RTR is their worst album and not the best. What's so special in in RTR??? :err: