review of katatonia's 'tonight's music'

wow, a review that says LFDGD is the best album of the year. it is so great, although i hate to be technical but Tonight's Music is classed as a single, and although Teargas is an EP (which also has 3 songs on it) why is this? both have 3 songs, ones an EP, ones a single? the official site says Tonight's Music is a single, not an EP. oh i dunno, im confused! :confused:
Originally posted by _Transparent_
wow, a review that says LFDGD is the best album of the year.

does it really?
Last Fair Deal Gone Down, not only an undeniable album of the year

that an in there makes me wary.

Then again, how could this Swedish quintet possibly top their magnum opus, Last Fair Deal Gone Down,

probably the same way they topped tonights decision. by writing another magnum opus. :)