Reviews for Fable starting to surface


May 2, 2001
IGN gives it 9.3, TeamXbox gives it 9.1.

Although it's not even close to the innovative über-RPG it was originially supposed to be, it's still sounding pretty good.
I'll probably get it since I doubt Half-Life 2 will be out anytime soon, and I like all the customization and stats the game offers.
I will be picking it up pretty soon after it's release. Sounds like a good way to make me stop playing The elder scrolls 3 : morrowind
They're only preloading the content that will remain static until the game's release, like some textures and sounds. The actual engine and game code are (still) not done.
Half-Life 2 is the biggest vaporware ever, with Duke Nukem Forever being second place.

(Please note that I don't actually think HL2 is vaporware, but it would be pretty hilarious)
TrevJ said:
Yeah, that doesn't really mean much.

No, but at least its progress.

Unlike the aformentioned Duke Nuken Forever, which seems to have been stuck in development hell for what seems like the best part of its 8 year development period.
It's a big let down. Def Jam: FFNY kicks the shit out of it. Even the story in Def Jam is better than Fable.
TrevJ said:
It's a big let down. Def Jam: FFNY kicks the shit out of it. Even the story in Def Jam is better than Fable.

Indeed, I picked it up earlier this week and its fucking amazing. Great mechanics in the fighting system and the character developement is pretty cool. As you said, also a cool story. One thing that is pissing me off (unless one of the 10 unlocked styles is one it), is that there is no long hair! You gotta pretty much love afros, shaved heads, and dread locks if you wanna have the hair you like.
Yeah, I was actually looking for a long hair style myself. I don't think there is one, but I'll be damned if it isn't entertaining as hell to deck my guy out in "ice" and "bling bling." I also love how they included so many options for how you want your pants to look... one leg rolled up, underwear showing, square or circle buckle... fucking hilarious. I think the game is actually better if you aren't that interested in rap, because the whole thing is just that much more amusing. And the Blazin' moves... wow. So brutal. You can definitely feel the pain when one of those is unleashed.
Haha yeah the finishers are insane. I love how it freezes right before the last move, makes it feel so devastating. I agree about the hip hop story, I think its almost more interesting from that perspective. I'm dividing my time right now between Fight for NY and the last bit of Tales of Symphonia so I'm finishing up Tales, but I cant wait to completely sink my teeth into Def Jam.