

Apr 7, 2005
Hey Guys

Just an idea...
We could write reviews for each album in this thread by Anthrax and see what everybody thinks of each one.. Share ideas... comments.... opinions etc. Because it could be quite interesting to see what my other fellow Anthrax fans think of each album

A Message to the moderator : if this works you could make it a sticky??
Fistful Of Metal-solid piece of thrash, vocals not so good, but Deathrider, Metal Thrashing Mad and Panic are classics. Subjugator is pretty underrated song, I didn´t really get to Howling Furies.
Spreading The Disease-a big step forward, a must have for every metal fan. The first half of it is great. This album is full of essential "hits".
Among The Living-groundbreaking album, with maybe one or two weaker tunes, even more hits, Joey´s vocals is the weakest thing though.
State Of Euphoria-I don´t listen to it often but everytime I do I´m surprised with the drums here! I think this is where Charlie pushed his limits. But some songs are way too long, repeat themselves and have kind of complicated structure so it easily gets boring.
Persistence Of Time-much darker album, lower vocals, few songs standing out of it-I´d say Belly Of The Beast, of course Got The Time and my most favourite and very underrated song Discharge.
Attack Of The Killer B´s -fresh water to metal, pretty funny and very enjoyable. Lots of styles mixed. Not for metal purists. I´d say groundbreaking record too.
Sound Of White Noise-when I first heard it I was like WHOOOA DUDE. The vocals kick ass. I´d say still this is a POT continuation, but not that fast. The first "mainstream hit attempt"-Only. Despite this, the album is actually very heavy.
Stomp 442-hardcore attack with a suddenly "rawer" sound than SOWN. Solid, compact record, though not cutting edge. Bare is one of the best accoustic rock songs ever. Not to mention that had the management and promotion been better, Nothing could be the next "big thing".
Volume 8-I love this album, reminds me of "Attack"-many styles mixed into a big elaborate. This record never bores me. Once again, maybe one or two weaker songs.
We´ve Come For You All-Anthrax masterpiece up to date. Best sound, best singing, fresh songs.
The Greater Of Two Evils-improved versions of these all-time classics, with better sound and vocals.