

Buffalo Bills /Mets/Rangers Fan
Jan 19, 2006
Long Island
I noticed that nobody seems to take the time to review the cds they get Here.. would like to read other people views before I think about the releases :( need some imput ,Good or Bad)
I would but Ken asked that we only review discs that we get from Lasercd so that limits my input a great deal...
While a broad discussion of progressive music is most welcome, the core focus of this forum remains activities that relate to The Laser's Edge mailorder and labels.

If someone is not buying from us I can't fathom why they would feel the need to post a review on our site. They should post the corresponding review on the site they purchased the CD from. This seems to make sense to me.
Some of those other sites , Dont have a Review section.?? With all Due Respects Ken, L/E is one of the few that does , I would think a review on a cd , Is a plus for sales any way you look at it, But I will repect your site, and only review what I buy from you .....:cool:
Then you should discuss this with the people you are doing business with. Frankly most of what passes for a review isn't. Typing out "this is one of my favorite Rush CDs" isn't a review. I try to only approve reviews (positive or negative) that are substantive. Believe me its hard given what most people post.

I could go on and on...
Would Like some imput on ""Appearance Of Nothing" before I get this on Friday.....Mail...