Rhapsody news...


Jack Nippleson
May 13, 2007
From their MySpace page.

9:20 AM - Latest News.

Hi to all,

First of all thank you for all the patience you had in these last times despite the lack of news regarding the band.

We wanted to inform you that we are in the middle of a hard legal fight with MCM and his main representative Mr. Joey De Maio.

That's the reason why in the last months we had to keep all strictly confidential and could not release any official declaration that could obviously be used against us from the opposite side. And that's also the reason why we were constricted to stop completely our band's activity. Frankly we are not able to imagine if all this can end in a very close future but we want to assure you that we are ready to fight with all the strength of body and soul in order to protect yours and our beloved band. Yes, aside from these bad events we ask you to not lose your faith in us. As soon as this sad situation will be solved we'll be ready for a great and mighty come back. A new album, a real masterpiece of speed/epic metal, is already composed and ready to be recorded and after its release an immense worldwide tour will finally follow for yours and our extreme satisfaction.

Stay tuned!
Rhapsody Of Fire

I have no idea what the argument could be over, but I have been wondering over the past couple months why I haven't heard anything from Rhapsody. Joey DeMaio is the bassist for Manowar, for those who don't know (I didn't 'cause I don't listen to them, I had to research who he was), and he also founded Magic Circle Music.

I have faith that Rhapsody will come out on top, or at least continue (they almost make it sound like the band may be discontinued.. really hope not). They already have a new album ready to go, and I for one cannot wait to hear it. This might get me listening to them again. I haven't listened to them in a long time, but they're an amazing band and I can't wait for more.
From their MySpace page.
Joey DeMaio is the bassist for Manowar, for those who don't know (I didn't 'cause I don't listen to them, I had to research who he was)

Do you perhaps live in a cave or similar dwelling? :p

The last time I knew Rhapsody were in a spot of legal trouble was over their name which is why they had to put the two offending words on the end of their name which I never utter. I'm sure they'll be bringing out the new stuff sooner than we expect. I just hope it's an improvement on Triumph or Agony which was average stuff in my books.
I've just never actually listened to Manowar, though I knew that was kind of 'who-gives-a-shit' fact to say. Eh. They're like Hammerfall, they never really interested me (though I can justify Hammerfall, because they just bored me).

But yea, I hope the new stuff comes out soon, hopefully early next year if all goes smoothly. Triumph or Agony was a half-letdown, half-hurrah in my book. Nothing that was terribly catchy or bombastic so much as their earlier stuff, but on the other hand, it was still done very well and Mystic Prophecy of the Demon Knight was fucking awesome (the narrations, while cheesy and occasionally annoying after so much dialogue, are a nice touch).

attn rhapsody, another dawn of victory plz
it sounds like Rhapsody was locked into a contract where joey controlled everthing and takes a huge percentage from the band etc the typically 80s contract where they thought it was a great idea and it has turned sour, hence Fabio escaping back to Vision Divine which will be great and i cant wait to hear the new songs from VD :)
it sounds like Rhapsody was locked into a contract where joey controlled everthing and takes a huge percentage from the band etc the typically 80s contract where they thought it was a great idea and it has turned sour, hence Fabio escaping back to Vision Divine which will be great and i cant wait to hear the new songs from VD :)

I was speaking to a friend in the know about this a while back and it is as you paint Steve. They naively signed a 'horrid' contract and are now battling to extricate themselves from it. In recent years they have been unable to play live independently of Manowar, and a s a result, based on Manowar's unrealistic expectations regarding fees etc, this has basically stopped them from playing the UK full stop. If they manage to get this issue resolved, hopefully we can see them play here for the very first time! I think BOA would be fitting but then I am extremely biassed! :lol:

Ohhh ... new Vision Divine with Fabio? Can't wait!! *jumps up and down with glee* Any idea when?
I thought Triumph or Agony was an amazing album, definitely up there with their best. It took me a long time to get into it, but once I accepted that it wasn't a speedy album with lots of sweep picking guitar leads, I got into the atmospheres..

That really sucks about DeMaio... I guess the guys are big manowar fans and he probably told them a load of crap so he could get them to sign that deal...

I haven't seen them live since Wacken in 2001, but would love to see them again... BOA would defo be perfect.
Joey Demaio and magic circle are ONLY concerned with money and more importantly, promoting MANOWAR. Part of the magic circle contract is that they pretty much cannot tour unless it is with other magic circle music bands, kind of a problem when you are a band as big as Rhapsody where touring could really make some cash and promote the new album, yes Manowar only have done one US and one European tour since the deal (small ones at that). And also, you know that band HolyHell? Well guess whose girlfriend the lead singer is...you guessed it, Joey DeMaio. THat is why a band that had NO releases, and a set 50/50 of covers and originals was put on the bill when there were plenty of more established acts to choose from. Talk about self-serving! Also noone can do a guest project outside of the label without the labels permission, which would be fine but would the artist be properly compensated for this kind of exclusivity? Negatory. Rhapsody had problems with their last label, lmb music too! Find them a good home, someone!
It certainly sounds like it all plays in to DeMaio's pocket but a contract takes two to tango. If this screws Rhapsody out of so many freedoms I can't help wondering how come they signed? No other alternative?
They probably didn't have much of an alternative, or possibly MCM lured them in by looking promising at the time - deceptive looks and whatnot. It's likely they didn't have much else to choose from, though, which wouldn't surprise me.
It certainly sounds like it all plays in to DeMaio's pocket but a contract takes two to tango. If this screws Rhapsody out of so many freedoms I can't help wondering how come they signed? No other alternative?

magic circle helped get rhapsody out of their former contract with lmb music (how ironic), which just was too small of a label and did not support a band as big as rhapsody in terms of tour support, promotion, and questionable inventory "disappearances". I can't say how i know this but i knowwww. And you have to realize a lot of labels PROMISE things, even in a contract, but do not fufill them and it is hard to prove if they have or haven't.