
I thought Rhapsody was very good, but not better than Manowar. I'd love to see both bands play live again! I wonder why Rhapsody have never played PPUSA before?
7thSaviour said:
I thought Rhapsody was very good, but not better than Manowar. I'd love to see both bands play live again! I wonder why Rhapsody have never played PPUSA before?

I think Glenn said that they were overly expensive or something along those lines though I could be wrong.
Rhapsody is the band. I saw then on the last US tour with Manowar and they blew me away. I have posted this before but here is a collage of photos with members of Rhapsody and the autographs I got at the show. They were supper nice guys and real approchable.
I love RHAPSODY. It is funny, I used to not be able to stand them. For some reason, they really started to click with me. I am kicking myself for not traveling to see the Manowar / Rhapsody tour. I have seen Manowar before a couple times so at the time it wasn't a big deal to me. They might be coming back together to the US tough, which would rule.

If you haven't done so yet, check out the LIVE IN CANADA CD, from that tour with Manowar. Unlike most live albums, it is actually a straight through live album containing the full set with in between banter.
Jasonic said:
I love RHAPSODY. It is funny, I used to not be able to stand them. For some reason, they really started to click with me. I am kicking myself for not traveling to see the Manowar / Rhapsody tour. I have seen Manowar before a couple times so at the time it wasn't a big deal to me. They might be coming back together to the US tough, which would rule.

If you haven't done so yet, check out the LIVE IN CANADA CD, from that tour with Manowar. Unlike most live albums, it is actually a straight through live album containing the full set with in between banter.
That live CD/DVD is on the list. Hail! BTW, I wonder how much Manowar had to pay them to open for them?
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
I think Glenn said that they were overly expensive or something along those lines though I could be wrong.

You are not wrong. I tried to get them and when I heard the price I almost had a heart attack. o_O
Rhapsody rules! SwordLord, myself, and 4 other Minnesotans roadtripped to Cleveland for the opening of the Manowar tour last summer (Cleveland was as close as they came to us). I saw Rhapsody's first US performance! That rocks. While the rest of our crew was there for either Manowar or Manowar+Rhapsody, I was proud to be the only one making the trip just for Rhapsody (Manowar is OK, but they planned little part in my calculation to go).

Favorite song: The Dark Tower of Abyss from Symphony of Enchanted Lands. I absolutely love the orchestra parts of that song. The strings are amazing. Which leads me to my only complaint about seeing them live...

There's something lost when the string ensemble has to be replaced by synthesizer. But what can you do? That's how it goes. So, it's not really a complaint :)
What do you mean you wonder how much that Manowar was paying Rhapsody ?? With Manowar probably less for a couple of reasons... Joey Demaio is in Manowar, and he is the manager now of Rhapsody. Also, Manowar lent their equiptment to Rhapsody for their N. American tour so it could be easier for them to travel and much cheaper.. Not to say they didn't get loots of money..but probably them alone would be more..

Anyways, if it isn't anymore obvious... I am a big fan of Rhapsody's music.. my favorite albums are mostly the first 3.. legendary tales, symphony of enchanted lands, and dawn of victory.. also, power of the dragonflame is great!!!! Rain of 1000 flames is good too.. i like a lot the song and queen of the dark horizons...it's a mini album not really full length.. but the latest one, SOEL II dark secret, it's good.. but in my opinion too "filmscore"..too much! Always, they have narrations, but it seems less focused on instruments like GUITARS!! Just more symphonic and with too much choir and an exagerated amount of narration.. They have lots of choir in their early stuff but it's with Fabio singing over it, as apart of the chorus.. so it's a big change for them..

mmm.. Magic of the Wizard's Dream LTD is cool because of the bonus material and all the songs in french, german, italian.. And of course the new live CD/DVD is great.. (especially because I am in it :lol:) So it means a lot to me.. but actually, they are coming with a future DVD with much more great things.. and live footage.. And yes, it's true, they'll come back to the U.S. but everything has been postponed due to Karl Logan...so anxious fans has to wait.. Too bad that you didn't like Rhapsody when they came in the U.S... And I know that they were better than ManOwaR because Manowar was embaressing live.. total idiots! Rhapsody sound better, play better and were nice with the fans..true!

As for songs.. well, i like a lot warrior of ice, uholy warcry (preferabbly the short version on dark secret ep), actually all the songs on the ep are some of my favorites.. pride of the tyrant, queen of the dark horizons, last winged unicorn, lamento eroico, dawn of victory, rage of the winter, lord of the thunder, flames of revenge, potdf, When demons awake, nightfall on the grey mountains..ect..

I would love to see them play as headliners at Progpower.
Empress said:
What do you mean you wonder how much that Manowar was paying Rhapsody ?? With Manowar probably less for a couple of reasons... Joey Demaio is in Manowar, and he is the manager now of Rhapsody. Also, Manowar lent their equiptment to Rhapsody for their N. American tour so it could be easier for them to travel and much cheaper.. Not to say they didn't get loots of money..but probably them alone would be more..

Still, it doesn't change the fact that Rhapsody needs to get paid to go on tour, they need to get paid to do their job which is playing. It's not like they'd take the tour for free. Especially Rhapsody, which is one of the most expensive Power Metal bands there is. If not the most. Joey is their label's manager and in Manowar, but they're still professionals and need to do "business".
AngraRULES said:
Still, it doesn't change the fact that Rhapsody needs to get paid to go on tour, they need to get paid to do their job which is playing. It's not like they'd take the tour for free. Especially Rhapsody, which is one of the most expensive Power Metal bands there is. If not the most. Joey is their label's manager and in Manowar, but they're still professionals and need to do "business".

I don't disagree, it's true.. what I am saying is, he asked how much manowar must have paid rhapsody and I think that rhapsody alone would be more expensive, but since they were saving so much money with equiptment, manowar probably had to pay them less for that tour, than they would if rhapsody were to headline and some club were to pay them.
Oh, got it. However, the US tour was just an exception because they played an European tour and Rhapsody was able to bring their full set.

I do think it was easier to pay for Rhapsody here in the US, since they didn't bring a lot of stuff with them.