Ride For Vengeance

This would be the correct translation, taking into account alliteration etc.

Mighty gods, in the Golden Hall.
Aid me in the strife against the sonslayers,
Wotan shall take vengence for the wounds
and blod will be remedied by blood.


Mighty gods,
in the Golden Hall.
Help me in the battle/fight/strife
aagianst the sonslayers
The High One shall
For the Cuts take revenge
and blood shall be made up for
by blood

Awesome song indeed, and Johan's voice sounds especially cool when he sings these words. Must be the stockholmian accent which makes it sound different. Sounds almost a bit Viking Rockish.

More lyrics in swedish would surely be nice! And alliteration is never wrong either!
This would be the correct translation, taking into account alliteration etc.

Mighty gods, in the Golden Hall.
Aid me in the strife against the sonslayers,
Wotan shall take vengence for the wounds
and blod will be remedied by blood.


Mighty gods,
in the Golden Hall.
Help me in the battle/fight/strife
aagianst the sonslayers
The High One shall
For the Cuts take revenge
and blood shall be made up for
by blood

Awesome song indeed, and Johan's voice sounds especially cool when he sings these words. Must be the stockholmian accent which makes it sound different. Sounds almost a bit Viking Rockish.

More lyrics in swedish would surely be nice! And alliteration is never wrong either!