for the swedes


"the tall shall
for the sabbs revench"

slang for

"the tale shall
for the stabs revenge"


(no sense anyway -> typical swedish nonsense)

thanks tritonus, please tell me the correct translation for these 2 verses.. :)
Well, duh, if you listen to Amon Amarth and expect lyrical epiphanies, you kinda missed their whole point.
I love Amon Amarth, not because their lyrics are very deep or thoughtinspiring, but because they kick ass. Their theme is always the same along with the music, but unoriginal isnt automatically boring. I love them, if you want to enlarge your inetelluctual horizon, I recommend DT, Nevermore and the likes ^^
I know, I just felt like saying something stupid.

Truly, if I'm looking for good lyrics I'll stick to DT, uneXpect, Primordial, Mastodon etc...

Amon Amarth is one of my favourite bands because of its extreme rocking potential. In fact, about half of the bands I listen to, I do so solely for the musical side. Stuff like Behemoth, Old Man's Child and Hypocrisy aren't exactly what you could call "inspiring".
"Mäktiga gudar,
i gyllene salen.
Hjälp mig i striden
mot sondräparna,
Den höge skall
För huggen hämnas
och blod skall gäldas
i blod"

Mighty gods
in the golden hall
help me in the battle
againt the sonslayers
the tall shall (yes, it's what I guess they meant)
for the stabbs revench
and blood shall be repayed
in blood

Den höge skall
För huggen hämnas = means that a tall/proud man will revench someone for stabbing someone else. And it's just litteraly....
Havn't seen DT here for a while though.
Actually I've got myself a life.... so seeya :P

And I meant tall
Not sabbs though
rahvin said:
Sorry, when was that?

@Undo: We're mean and we make the little girls cry, but it's only so you can come to the rescue with your sword (read = penis) in the wind. ;)

this made me think of the ultimate ghastly power metal crossover from the early 90s.

swords in the wind
there is nothing lasting long
Tritonus said:
Den höge skall
För huggen hämnas = means that a tall/proud man will revench someone for stabbing someone else. And it's just litteraly....

the thing is that you, as far as i know, don't use "tall" in that sense in english, and i really can't see why it should be taken literally. the not so subtle translation would probably be "odin shall blaha blaha..."; at least in havamal oden is called "den höge" so it probably refers to him, and i for one have no idea about his actual length. :)