Right Hand Technique


New Metal Member
Feb 21, 2005
I am trying desperately to play the part of Damnation Game borrowed from CPE Bach's 'Solfeggieto'. Using alternate picking, I can't get any degree of speed. Can someone recommend a sweep picking technique for this?

mrichman said:
I am trying desperately to play the part of Damnation Game borrowed from CPE Bach's 'Solfeggieto'. Using alternate picking, I can't get any degree of speed. Can someone recommend a sweep picking technique for this?


Well, if you sweep it you would just use hammer ons and pull offs for the second note for each string. You would do a downpick two strings then up when going up

Down:G string to E
Up: E string to G
Thanks - I guess I was looking for a "sweepable" transcription/fingering for the passage.
mrichman said:
I am trying desperately to play the part of Damnation Game borrowed from CPE Bach's 'Solfeggieto'. Using alternate picking, I can't get any degree of speed. Can someone recommend a sweep picking technique for this?


This doesn't directly relate to the particular problem you are having, but the biggest jump I had in playing electric guitar after the first few years of picking the guitar up was putting it down......... and picking up an acoustic. I Put some 13's (for volume and tone definitely not playability) on an acoustic and started playing the fool out of it. Both hands and fingers became stronger, more disciplined and as a result faster after I climbed back on the electric.
Don't take this the wrong way.... you may just be having problems with one particular riff as you stated, but what I am saying is that if you get in a rut in general with "progressing" as a guitarist, banging out the toughest stuff I could muster on an acoustic has done me wonders.

mrichman said:
I am trying desperately to play the part of Damnation Game borrowed from CPE Bach's 'Solfeggieto'. Using alternate picking, I can't get any degree of speed. Can someone recommend a sweep picking technique for this?


Romeo is a bitch when it comes to alternate picking. The only thing I recommend is practice, training and practice until you reach your desired level. As usual, start out on a slow tempo while making sure you're using up and down strokes correctly, then increase the speed when you feel the result is close to perfection :p
Another Symx part you could practice on is the Out of the Ashes intro which assembles alternate picking and basic sweeps in a nice combination.

Have a good time dwelling into unplayable Symx stuff! :D