Ringing Bass

Jun 12, 2012
Hey Guys,

got a new bass (Fender Squier Classic Vibe 70s P-Bass) and just installed new PU (fender vintage 58) and new Strings (Daddario EXL170BT Balanced Tension / Nickel Wound). I dont know if the problem extisted before but i hear a really loud ringing when hiting just the Low D ( -> E) string. I think that are overtones/harmonics and in some sort common. But in this case its way to loud (for my taste)

i mean the "ring" at 0:04. and yes it rings too if the string doesnt touch the fret.

if i damp the bridge or the other strings it makes no difference.

Where does this come from? anybody has got an idea? I dont like that ringing at all.

Thank you!
I noticed a similar ringing when changed the PU on my Squier. In my case, it was a ringing coming from the PU itself interacting with the springs that hold the PU to the bass. I just moved the PU a little and pushed it against the springs and the ringing disappeared.
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@ashgallows : No the sound is there even if the string doesnt hit one fret

@Fagulhakc : Oh ... that would make sense because i thought the ringing comes out of the body (like in a tremolo guitar) but i thought that was bullshit.

what do you mean by "moving the PU"? i just tighten the screws and lowered the PUs but the sound is still there.
unfortunatly its there even if i put my hand on the bridge, on the springs of the bridge, behind the nut ...etc.
its only there when i play a open D (E - dropped D) note.
Its not the PU because i removed them and its still there. Next step is testing other strings.
Try swapping the E and A string for a minute and see if that sounds still happens. If it still does it use a thin Q and notch out 30db of 1016hz

Edit: Also you can see on an analyzer that there's a peak at 62, 125, 250, 500, 1000. Tune the string to a lower note and upload a clip. If the harmonic changes pitch then it's probably the string.
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good point! i will try to swap the strings.

yes you are right, i did see it on the eq before. i also eqed the octave (~1k hz) of the D and the rining is gone but thats no satisfying solution. But thank you very much!
ok changed the String but the ringing is there anyway. (with a string of another bass that does no ringing at all // very old GHS Bass Boomers). But when i tune the guitar higher the ringing is higher too.

i have no idea :(

here is the file with the old GHS Boomers.

that still does sound like fret buzz. Nut filed too low?
Try a small piece of paper in the nut, under the string, to bring it up a bit higher
If that's what MrBongo think, than nut isn't only thing that can contribute to it - neck bow and un-even fret level.
For neck bow - press string on first and last fret, than look around 7-12 fret. There should be gap between string and fretboard around 1/3 of string thickness.
If you've done paper in nut slot and checked for bow and it's ok but going over and playing each fret show that some frets buzzing more than other, it might be fret level problem.