RIP Chuck Schuldiner


Watch out, it's sharp!
Sep 21, 2002
Hamburg, Germany
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So it's been 10 years now...

Chuck has been a huge inspiration and influence to me. I still remember learning half of the Symbolic album on guitar back in 2003 to prepare for my first audition for a death metal band. I got the gig...

Thank you and R.I.P. Chuck, you will not be forgotten!
Been listening to Death since I'm 9 years old (just about when Chuck passed out) and I never got tired of it.
RIP Chuck.
Rest In Peace, Chuck. You've been a huge influence on the way I write, though my guitar playing doesn't even approach the things you've done with a guitar. If I could play like any guitarist ever, I'd like to be able to play like you.

A beer for you tonight, Chuck! :rock:
It's Friday and I'll most likely be raging with one of my buddies later. Beer and metal. Today feels like "Sounds of Perserverence" on the way to work.....