RIP Jeff Hanneman

Very surprised to hear this, and even more surprised to hear it (assumedly) isn't related to the spider bite.

RIP Jeff :(
Was he a big drinker? I never really knew much about the musicians in Slayer. All I cared about was their excellent stage presence. Presumably, he did have a lot of medicine given to him to handle the necrosis and perhaps some of that may have damaged his liver. Lots of medicine can do that but generally dieing immediately is worse than dying later so they still use that medicine. But could be totally unreleased. Kerry King has seemed like an asshole in a lot of recent interviews when asked about Jeff. It could be that he and the rest of the band knew how sick Jeff was. He still seemed like an ass.
Was he a big drinker? I never really knew much about the musicians in Slayer. All I cared about was their excellent stage presence. Presumably, he did have a lot of medicine given to him to handle the necrosis and perhaps some of that may have damaged his liver. Lots of medicine can do that but generally dieing immediately is worse than dying later so they still use that medicine. But could be totally unreleased. Kerry King has seemed like an asshole in a lot of recent interviews when asked about Jeff. It could be that he and the rest of the band knew how sick Jeff was. He still seemed like an ass.
A coworker told me about this just before I left work. I was hoping he had been misinformed. I guess not.

RIP Jeff.
That is royally fucked news, RIP Jeff. It looks like Slayer is officially over and done with Dave also gone. Jeff will live peacefully on and on South of Heaven
Sad news, indeed.
Admittedly, I've never been much of a Slayer fan, but I've got huge amounts of respect for the band. I'm sure that this is a devestating loss for family, friends and bandmates. And this also a loss for thrash, a loss for metal and a loss for music.

RIP Jeff Hanneman.
Im thinkin that since he was alienated from Slayer him being out for so long, made him drink in the first place. Guy was in the band for three decades. It was basically his life.

Everything good ends eventually.