RIP Morbid Angel 1984-2003

I'm looking forward to this album. Not because I think I'll like it, or it'll be particularly good, but simply because it's a band trying something a little bit new. If you want an album that sounds like classic morbid angel, go listen to some classic morbid angel!
I'm looking forward to this album. Not because I think I'll like it, or it'll be particularly good, but simply because it's a band trying something a little bit new. If you want an album that sounds like classic morbid angel, go listen to some classic morbid angel!

Dude I think that's what most of MA's fans want, experimentation, however....

LOOK AT THE FUCKING SONG TITLES!!!! and the ambiguity of the preview

There is a lot more to it than just that though, there have been a lot of rumors about Trey's waning interest in metal over the last few years.... and his apparent drug issues (him tripping and taking mdma all the time afaik) related to his love of hardcore (techno that is).
I'm just concerned that this album might be a dud

On the other hand, it's got songs written by Trey on it... :lol:
Fuck yeah if Trey's taking shitloads of drugs then he should damn well leave Morbid Angel, come to Cornwall and join me in explorations of musical pools of soup...
Soup with beans... Mm..
Every album/release you just mentioned is fantastic. (except domination, it's good, but not fantastic)

For me Kenose and GDoW were massive sellouts/career wrecks. I cannot enjoy a single second of either or the releases that followed (I lie, there is a very nice, almost Floydian break in "Chaining the Katechon", too bad the rest of the song is nothing I would ever listen to) while I hold the works preceding them in extremely high regard. Guess I'm just either "tr00 like dat" or have no ear for musical acrobations/piss poor attempts at philosophical discourse in music whatsoever. As always, there is no accounting for taste/one man's shit is another man's gold...etc. Most Metal fans will have you think that some works are beyond discussion, that their appeal is general and their high standards are scientifically measured or something. This is a very common form of Heavy Metal cognitive dissonance.

I just like my Black, and Death Metal, very oldschool. Might not be the majority there but that's just me.

And I don't think I'll give the new MA a chance. This very much reminds me of the Gorgoroth scenario. I really liked the band's trademark harmonies and melodic but rough approach. Then (he)they brought in a weirdo gay dude to sing and a total nobody bass player to write all the music. The resultant was 3 albums that radiated boredom beyond imagination. 2$ here says Trey is spent as a songwriter/musician hence he let some random fan/dude write the album for him. Nice, but I ain't giving him my dollars :)

And I could really never care for Zyklon, Zyklon B however was rather awesome, despite the somewhat retarded name.
The reason Morbid Angel were good was becuse they played heavy as shit, pure blooded Death Metal. That's what I think most people like about them, so changing that seems like a pretty retarded move. It would be like Stallone making a new Rambo, but make it a comedy. There is nothing wrong with comedy, but that is not what Rambo is about at all, or what the fans like about the concept.
And I could really never care for Zyklon, Zyklon B however was rather awesome, despite the somewhat retarded name.

I think this just goes to show we have very different tastes, I hold almost exactly opposite opinions on the music you have mentioned..... :lol:
Nothing wrong with that, whatever gets your dopamine flowing ;) At least that is scientific!

(sadly there will always be scene kids...argh)
More character than Gateways? Damn.
I was gonna say pretty much the exact opposite haha.

The song really picked up for me during the solo, if only because I got to listen to Trey going off on one for a moment, not really one of his finer solos though.

Kind of what I expected from this album. Bit dull, not good, not bad. Just merely average. I will skip this one.
I like it. I've listened to it 4 times in a row now (via youtube) and though I was a little thrown off at first by the pentameter of some of the vocal parts falling in a weird order...I like it. Looking forward to hearing the rest.
Best current DM vocalist. Good song, not dissapointing at all, looking forward to more experimental songs (yeah, the gay industrial ones :D )
Yeah I can hear a little bit of expected changes, but it's pretty good so far, I may have to eat my words. Will wait for the whole thing to comment further of course.

Because I’m not interested in coming across like some kind of genre traditionalist fucknut, let me make clear that the reason I dislike the experimentation on this album is not because it’s not typically a part of death metal. I dislike it because it is fucking terrible, and there is no way around that. This music is embarrassing, cringe-inducing, and frankly unacceptable from a band of this caliber. Sure, I probably wouldn’t be giving this album such a hard time if it was the debut album from some third-tier Belgian hardcore crew’s industrial/death metal side project, but the fact that this is Morbid Angel means that its noxious strains will be heard by tens of thousands of eager fans the world over. I find that upsetting. And really, to be honest, the problem is not that the album is relentlessly awful in any of the usual ways – poor musicianship, terrible production, badly constructed songs, and so forth - but that it is aggressively mediocre for most of its duration, punctuated by the too-frequent spells of shockingly awful half-industrial nonsense. Aggressive mediocrity is several shades more offensive than honestly come-by bad music.

For these reasons and so many more, Illud Dipissoff Fuckyourmother is that rarest of albums: a complete trainwreck. While it may be morbidly (har har) fascinating to watch this insanely ill-considered septic tank of an album unfold in all its bilious anti-glory, the schadenfreude does not last. Long after the album has bled mercifully into silence, all that is left behind is the gnawing, inescapable sadness of knowing that one of extreme metal’s foundational artists has been reduced to such hollow posturing and unforgivable banality. Still, perhaps I can take at least the smallest measure of solace from the fact that, while I have had to live with this album for a scant few weeks, its creators will have to live with it forever.

That is all. :waah:
"Aggressive mediocrity is several shades more offensive than honestly come-by bad music."

I fully agree, and so much extreme Metal has been of this variety lately. Or maybe I'm just too old and my enthusiasm has waned. Nah. It just ain't like it used to be sorry.