RIP Steve Irwin


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
Very tragic that this would happen. he's been a bit of a idol to me, in his openness to other cultures, and just giving everything! a human being some people (maybe all) ought to learn something from.

Rest in peace.
He was indeed quite a character! Tragic that he died so young, and left a wife and young children - but the one "consolation" is that he died doing something he loved, which doesn't happen to everyone.
Sammi951 said:
he died doing something he loved, which doesn't happen to everyone.

Too true sam, while i was shocked about his death, that thought occured to me also. Personally, i always thought a croc would get him!

Weird thing is though, the day before he died one of his programs was on tv (dunno which channel i rarely watch tv) anyway my wife commented that one day one of these creatures was gonna turn around and kill him!

Thats 100% true...Imagine her suprise when i woke her the next day and told her the news .. freaky!

So needless to say im gonna pay more attention and listen very carefully to what she says from now on!!

R.I.P Steve Irwin, im sure the crocs will be shedding real tears for you!
I'd have thought a croc would have got him, if anything, too!! I heard on the news today that they are thinking of still showing the programme he was making (including the part where the stingray attacked), as it was all caught on film. They are going to consult his wife and family to see how they feel about it. The man isn't even cold yet, and they are already thinking about their TV ratings :(